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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 24, 2023


It let’s you require both?

It looks like it’s pin and optional fingerprint, not pin and fingerprint for me? On Android

This is why I always turn it off in airports though.

Just in addition to my other reply… that was assuming it’s not a government agency.

The police can just force you to do it, but they can’t force a password.

Everyone using a passkey and biometrics on their hardware is law enforcements wet dream.

Including border security where you have less rights.

It’s just much weaker than a password and passkey / security key.

Something you are can easily be taken from you. (Edit: eg lifting fingerprints can unlock things)

Something you know is harder and would escalate a situation if forced substantially.

It could be your phone or computer as well, they don’t have to be in a password manager.

And that’s often going to be the default people use.

Now it’s just your face or fingerprint, both of which are easier to bypass if it’s targeted.

I highly dislike the idea of a passkey replacing a password as it means you’ve lost the something you know and replace it only with something you have.

Passwords AND passkeys together sound great.

I feel like this would be better if the field was surrounded by a 1 foot moat, and there was a bridge.

It would take some amount of effort to step over the moat and not trip, vs just walking over the bridge.

The bridge has a small toll to help maintain it.

But bridge or no bridge you’re getting into the field.

There’s been enough zero day remote exploits that there’s bound to be more.

Pretty sure there’s more than 1 about receiving an SMS and the payload rooting the phone and you not even knowing it happened. At least 1 but I think 2 or more.

Something about a malicious image also rooting a phone.

It goes on and on and phones don’t always get security updates.

You can do your best, but then longer you use a given phone the higher the risk. That’s why people switch out phones frequently when doing shady or important shit

You don’t need a backdoor in signal to bypass its encryption.

All you need is to exploit the phone and wait for them to open or use signal.

If you think your phone is safe from the NSA or similar services, I got some bad news for you.

Signal let’s you transfer devices and their history at least on phones.

It might be different then restoring a backup, but you should be able to move to another device.

If you want 2 devices on the same account, then yes, it won’t let you transfer the data, but both will get messages moving forward.