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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Unless we made it so you are not but think you are. We value your privacy. Like literally. We value your private shit in dollaridoos. Lots of’em. So we’re taking your privacy seriously. Seriously to the bank that is.

I mean… It’s not like mailcow is too hard to set up if you want to write down your crimes in the same way Janice from accounting sent you that obnoxious blinking new Year’s .gif Mail

Meta has this dangerous mentality that they are above the law anyway, so whatever they say, until a government powerful enough to really make them pay steps up and shows them that they are in fact not above the law, they’ll just fucking do whatever they fucking want.

Yeah, okay. So: Clearing Browser cache is a common feature in any webbrowser (even Chrome, and if Chrome has it, everyone has)

Regarding insights into the local cache: Are you technically versed enough to understand what you are seeing? If not, what good would looking at the cache do to you? I mean, whatever is in that cache is no indication about your privacy at all. As @minitycactus found out, Wikipedia logs your last visit. Do they spy on you? Very probably not. Besides, whatever they put into local cache is not something they have on their servers,

I wouldn’t put too much energy into a search for that specific feature.

I think you might try to bite off more than you can chew here. You keep insisting that you want to somehow see the data that’s saved on your device. Why exactly do you want to inspect the local cache of those sites? What do you expect the benefit to be? And what’s more: what do you expect such a local cache to look like?

You know that you can put stickers on cars, right? Like, say, a sticker with the Tuxedo computer logo and the word Tuxedo in large letters? Like… All over both sides of the car. Because that’s what this car has, you know?

Wjat dies the price or the car’s production state to do with anything?

I get the feeling that you are not answering to a very warped version of what I said.

Tuxedo computers are just a few minutes away from my place. There is a BMW i3 from them parking one street over.

I’d love.to support them but they are just so pricey.

Yeah… Because hampering legal encryption will totally hamper all those who just continue to use the methods we have today.

Okay, maybe the carriers you used do really have a shitty codec in pl,ace then. Yet I don’t see why this would be a privacy issue.

Just as a heads-up: VOIP is more difficult to tap than conventional GSM calls are. What are your issues with VOIP?

What costs privacy in mobile networks is that the mobile operator has to know where you are (roughly) by design. They need to route your traffic to the antenna that’s communicating with you after all. That’s something that can’t be mitigated.

Yeah, the tests looked a little suspicious regarding Brave.

Depends what you do with it. The average private person might never notice issues.


-Self hosted

G-Drive is the easiest to replace, there are tons of storage options out there.
Google Docs is trickier, of you depend on the “office in your browser” thing. You can self host that, there are no cool options besides that imho. You can just use LibreOffice and sync via the aforementioned cloud space though

Anything office related from Nextcloud isncrapcas hell though