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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Nov 16, 2023


One is open source and you can check the code while the other is not completely open source and uses proprietary encryption. That’s right, proprietary encryption.

Don’t take it with you, or have a faraday bag and only take it put when you’re done

I just don’t understand how car manufacturers can do this. We need better privacy laws. Also, why is it a game of always protesting and backlash just to keep our basic rights? Smh

Sounds interesting! I saw some other guy post about how you guys wouldn’t pick pro ukrainian content over pro russian and I think that’s the right thing to do. I always found it “interesting” that youtube will always promote the legacy media (in my eyes akin to propaganda) whenever you search for news or current events. Look forward to seeing where this goes and i hope you have an open policy about decisions in the search engine about what you promote vs demote. Who knows what else the other engines are promoting when people search to skew their views.