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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


AI CSAM is incredibly harmful. All CSAM is harmful. It’s been shown to increase chance of pedophilic abuse.

Stop defending CSAM, HOLY SHIT.

What a disguising assumption. And the best argument against AI I’ve ever heard.

Most of this thread is defending csam, which loli definitely is. WTF. Disgusting community.

You just implied children aren’t real people.

Prove it’s fake when some of it of your daughter is making it’s way around school.

You’ve missed the point. Fake or not it does damage to people. And eventually it won’t be possible to determine if it’s real or not.

For US government employees USAJobs is probably one of the most accessed websites.

Also in Google searches, if you click the vertical … next to the URL on results, click the down arrow in the pop-up, and click Cached you can likely access a version of the website your white/blacklist service doesn’t block. If there are SFW sites you need access to. Generally all scripts are disabled, though.

So you have no dog in this fight but you’re fine telling everyone to just leave. Not very useful.

Go somewhere that respects you


When they add three strikes to AdBlock for Google, I’ll probably drop that too. Or I’ll try as it’s the only video platform.

But we didn’t do it with MS. And they saw that. They were the last real antitrust case that was big.