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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


I don’t think they really ended the TV show, I want to believe that they are leaving a gap of a few years like you said. It was unfortunate about the actor being a sleazy dickbag and needing to write his character out but gives us an opportunity to bring book characters that might not have been reasonable to have originally in the show but now could work because Alex is dead. I don’t think a recast would work because of the chemistry and everyone having to fake the banter as if it is the exact same person meanwhile everyone watching has to ignore the dissonance of the new actor.

I likely wouldn’t buy a diamond ring but I most certainly not buy one from a certain diamond store that has fucking annoying ads. They know who they are and if you are in Lower Mainland of BC, you know who I’m talking about. They can blow and choke on a red hot cock shaped metal rod. I’m glad I moved so far north that I won’t get any ads for them ever again.

Parts are plastic and cheaply made so more shit breaks when you get in an accident.