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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Nope. Honestly, I stopped tinkering with that stuff altogether ages ago. It’s a candybar that gives me text messages and takes photos, I don’t need to make it my own.

I have a Xperia 1.

It has a flagship SoC, but it also has a SD card slot, a headphone jack, no notch or cutout, front firing stereo speakers and a nice blocky look without a massive camera bump.

The downside is software support can be a bit spotty and the cameras are made for manual use, as opposed to being AI-driven point-and-shoot things. That last one could be a positive depending on your preference, though.

But overall? I’m very satisfied, and I went there specifically because I was tired of the ongoing Apple-ification of Samsung in the first place. You may want to consider coming to the dark side and incentivizing Sony to keep making a phone with a feature set, instead of copy-pasting Apple’s or Samsung’s playbook.

Look, I know it’s nonsense and I know it’d be a disaster and a threat and it’d imply they are in power and that’s bad. So please, please, I don’t get to vote, so go vote against these idiots if you can.

But I’m not gonna stand here and say I wouldn’t like to see them try.

Just… maybe with access to a time machine so I can reboot the timeline after. But come on.

This guy gesticulates with one hand for a couple of seconds, then grabs the microphone with that hand and then gesticulates the exact same way with the other hand and just keeps doing that for the entire twelve minute video.

Once I noticed it became almost impossible to keep paying attention to what he was saying.

Anecdotally, the last time I checked my dormant Facebook feed it was deserted. I wonder how many people hit that message and just decide they can just nope out and not lose much of value.

I mean, that’s what I did the first time it popped up. I only ever logged into that in case somebody was trying to reach me for work stuff, and that never actually happens, so…

As for whether this is GDPR compliant, it seems that FB was convinced it would get them past the newer post-GDPR regulations and the EU has strongly signalled that it really won’t, so it’s gonna be fun to watch from the sidelines.