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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023

Is there any way to add Start menu shortcuts for my non-steam games?
Edit: Solved! Bit of a weird question, but yeah. I like to have the games I'm currently cycling through favorited in my start menu since i keep the majority of my desktop icon free save for my file manager and trash bin. Thing is, right now I'm playing through both Daggerfall Unity and my GoG version of Pillars of Eternity (installed using the offline installers and WINE. Using Heroic resulted in it not launching because it couldn't find the Data folder for whatever reason) which were both added as Non Steam games. Is there any way to add shortcuts for them to my Start menu, or am i just gonna have to suck it up and make them Desktop shortcuts? (Using KDE on EndeavourOS, if it matters at all)

Oh, he’s one of those “muh freedoms to be a racist jackass are being censored!” types? I mean, from how you called him out in your comment, you seem to have had dealings with this guy (or his alts that I’m guessing were very short lived) in other threads, so I’ll take your word for it if that’s the case. Regardless, it wouldn’t surprise me either way if he was since again, to have to keep making alts to say his piece…

His comments were deleted (as I’m guessing his whole account), but I’m almost morbidly curious about whatever he was claiming to be the cause (I’m gonna wager it was “ThE ELiTe trying to subjegate the masses, man!” for $200?)

If you’re fighting a one man war for privicy? Yeah, that’s pretty much a lost cause. (Also, the “all or nothing” approach will leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth. Pick your fights, and accept that you’ll never be able to keep all away from companies selling em, and that sometimes, sacrifices to your privacy have to be made. Complete removal shouldn’t be the goal when it’s just you going at it–it should be the reduction of what they get as much as feasibly possible without inconveniancing the user)

If you spread and bring that war to the collective? That’s where things are gonna change. Slowly, yeah, but they’ll change.

That doesn’t sound like her getting spooked because you didn’t have an insta, it sounds like she got spooked because instead of being straight up and going “I mean, I do, but it’s old and I never really used it at all” you got weird and made up some weird BS about it.

And I know it’s that because not only would it make me raise an eyebrow if some random did something like that to me, I always tell people “Unless you’ve got a Whatsapp, its either text me or call me. The two social medias i have are ancient, I barely used em in the past, and the logins are lost to time I’m pretty sure.” Never given people weird vibes or anything by being honest like that, and we more often than not have a pretty nice time.

Also, being mindful of one’s privacy does not make said person anti-social. I’m pretty protective of mine, but i still reach out and talk to my friends and family near daily via face to face or messaging, am pretty receptive to a stranger or acquaintance wanting to have a chat or a coffee with me after work, all that jazz. That I don’t like the thought of Meta, Samsung, Google, and Microsoft snooping around people’s info, trivial as it may or may not be and thus distince myself from them (within reason, mind. I can cut myself off completely, but that’d be making both life, work, and everything inbetween too much of an unnecessary hassle), doesn’t diminish any of that.