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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


I mean, our good ol’ VP Dick Cheney took a shotgun to a huntsman… Not the spider sort, though.

Some of the “anticheat” systems straight up decide not to work on VMs even with PCIE passthrough et. al. For example, I cannot run Elden Ring with its trash DRM because it says it cannot run under VM. I have PCIE passthrough, and the CPU id also passes through. Only the chipset reports anything VM, yet the “anticheat” decides not to run.

Fuck DRM. It has done nothing except push me to pirate more when I LITERALLY AM buying the games. Fuck those greedy actual morons (corporations who deploy DRM, not FromSoft specifically).

I mean, they could offer it through the browser. All modern browsers have more than enough hooks and permissions control to do something as simple as take a couple pictures and make a basic request to a back end.

Though making nice things costs money, so…

Because then REI gets to be the one selling your purchase history and credit report.

two words: data aggregation.

They know it’s you. They can match it everywhere else.

No, that’s NOT begging the question, that’s just being an ass about actually asking a question.

Being hostile to a real question’s answers is also not begging the question.

Begging the question is a logical fallacy where someone is purposefully leaving out info or otherwise twisting things to end at a conclusion that was never properly supported. The point is there is an unsupported conclusion they’re trying to jump to.

Simply asking a question, even one with an obvious or sarcastic answer, is seldom “begging the question”.

Uhhhhh it’s an OPEN question available to people who DO dislike the OS, so no. No just ASKING a question is NOT “begging the question”.

It’s asking a question.

Hi, software engineer here. FOSS is a blessing and only fucking morons push against it.

Yes, developers need to be compensated, but it IS NOT ethical, correct, or even basically good to do that by being a predator towards your customers.

Unless the US is joining the EU, telling people to move is not a solution but a side-stepping. Side-stepping problems allows them to continue and grow.

If they’re taking in less than 1000 searches of money for 3000 searches, the numbers still aren’t adding up. Someone is misinformed or the product still.

That doesn’t mean the price has to be the same as a fucking Netflix subscription.

Which service uses more computation? Streaming HQ video to millions of people, or running a search engine. Keep in mind, search engines have existed since basically before the internet in some form or another…

The ultimate inevitable destination of capitalism. Enshrining greed in fact does NOT boost innovation.

Nah, no /s needed when there are actual ample examples of enshittification via nickel and diming ads and ad-like bwhavior.

I dunno’, the way Google themselves have served vulnerable ads, it might be true that ad blocking is more important than using “trustworthy” sites.

One big enough to fry running RAM, especially if they’re using real servers with ECC: RAM that can fix data corruption.

If a solar flare is frying server RAM, the power grid itself is going to be on fire. All of it.