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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I hate kier but not voting for Labour would be stupid, protest votes or non votes don’t count any the only people pushing that idiocy are the rich right wing because they don’t want you to vote against them

Everyone just thinks ‘oh look these people are too dumb, busy, or disconnected to vote oh well’

You can still resist and work against a system you voted for,

I went through a phase where I played every game on there, most were gloriously unfinished or ported from the zx spectrum. There were some real gems too.

That was years ago, what’s it like now? Is there android wesnoth? Did any of the RPGs ever get to a fished state?

People say they’re fishing for idiots but a lot of these people making these scams are very poorly educated and very corrupt areas where official messages aren’t too dissimilar.