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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


I use it to scream into the void and be completely uncivil because I’m civil and soft-spoken in the rest of life. In other words, I go to the dumpster when I feel like treating Trump supporters like trash :)

What if it IS a search engine? Maybe there’s a site out there that posts every question to a random fediverse sub!

Matter of fact, let’s make one. We’ll just use scripts to post every question to social media but program it to say the wrong thing first so that it gets instant results when everyone jumps on the “person” who was wrong. Brilliant!

I’ve verified throughout our fox network that there are no foxes in any henhouses at the moment. They’ve been instructed to take steps to ensure that no foxes end up in any henhouses accidentally going forward and the foxes tell me that they are truly sorry this time. Despite past reassurances of not being evil, they were in fact…evil. We are rolling out an internal audit system with the help of a 3rd party partner who owes us lots of stuff. We plan on letting the advocacy groups check out our henhouses as long as they agree to be bound by an NDA.

though that get murky with overseas tech entities.

I mostly agree, but you gotta admit the EU has been sticking it to the tech giants lately.

Yes and no, fiduciary duty to shareholders plus they rely on China for manufacturing.

I might be cynical af but I believe China is a market they can’t ignore, but the UK, well…they can afford to send a message there. With some quick google-fu it looks like Apple sells more iPhones about every 8 days than it sells in the UK in a year. That’s comparing 2023 numbers for China to 2019 numbers in the UK for the record, I’m too lazy to look past the first few links really, and doubt that math would change enough to ruin the point.

They also wouldn’t pull out of the UK, they would likely just revert to SMS there in the messages app rather than give the UK a back door into their encryption.