Communist, parent, techie and hobbyist artist. Learning Rust and tired of frontend development.

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Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Being able to follow a manual is a high bar nowadays

To be fair, more often than not I find stuff by going into “siloed sites” (yt, forums, etc) and searching from there than using a search engine, but it’s still good for stuff that are more common but also more of a hassle trying to remember than just searching it quickly (e.g. “how do I add my user to sudoers again?” kind of stuff)

Gonna give SearXNG a spin then, since even though “I don’t have anything to hide talk”, privacy is a right we’re better off upholding and I want to use services that respect it.

I use it sometimes and works fine. Not great, but it’s fine for not super specific stuff

When it isn’t the USA it’s their daddy Britain, ffs.

Holy hell naw, mate. I’m about the same age as the 1st person cited in the article, and what she does is beyond creepy. Screw that shit. If you need to know where someone is, just ask them, ffs

For a country that seem so bullish on FREEDOM, they’re oh so heavily surveilled. Possibly among the most surveilled citizens in the world, since we don’t really know to what extent both their own government and their big corporations spy on them, but we always keep discovering more and more.

No thanks, I’ll keep my Tutanota email (unless someone shares some worrying thing about them).