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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2024


I didn’t have any issues either. And IDC about self-signed certs, from reputable people, either.

It’s a mess and another reason to eliminate middle men. I’m okay with data being collected for WHO, for purposes of tracking morbidity and mortality, and modality for treatment, but I’d be interested in digging into how those rules are written, too.

It’s just self signed, if the maintainers of those instances can keep them running despite greedy, horrible yt shenanigans, I’m fairly confident in their ability and self interest, in proper security.

You really can’t overstate this plain truth, and people will still cling to the illusion of freedom.

Was he on that island discussing whether the billionaires could keep their security detail loyal with shock collars?

Ellison is the world’s sixth-richest man with a net worth of $157 billion, according to Bloomberg.

They are really concerned when people tire of their children dying from hunger and easily treatable diseases, we’ll be coming for them. But rather than give up an iota of the money generations can never spend for our ecology and things people need to live, they resort to things like shock collars and surveillance states.

Occasionally I run into glitches on various instances, but visiting the original post on the original instance works. Lemmy is new enough that I didn’t mind seeking workarounds, by asking or fiddling around. Best!