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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 05, 2023


This depends if you have a website on your domain and it appears on search engines. I do and had to modify Rspamd as bots were spamming addresses like abuse@ and other dictionary words.

Doesn’t look like they bothered to update their macOS client to 64bit. Currently the game is unplayable on new versions of macOS.

Correct! Although if you are the only user on the server subsequent joins don’t matter.

It’s the amount of users and servers in the room. When you join it on a new server it needs to process and verify the state of the room and agree it with all the servers. As the state is massive in this room it can take a very long time to join it.

If you want to learn more read this: https://matrix.org/docs/older/stateres-v2/

Sliding sync doesn’t make joining Matrix HQ any faster. This is depending on your hardware and whether or not you have any workers configured. For most users it isn’t worth joining that room anyway.

Some might argue you would need to copy the ROM from the disc you own instead of downloading it from the internet.

Luckily for the PS2 this is trivial for anyone with a PC and a disc drive.

Did you read the article? I don’t think temporary usernames will increase spam.