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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


I cringe when I remember willingly filling out my contacts list like it was nobody’s business. I’m so sorry, friends and acquaintances. :(

The alternative is putting pressure on companies to not succumb to greed and to go as far as enacting regulation to protect consumer interests. Paying some other companies to mitigate the harms of these companies while pretending that it’s a sensible solution to everyone is not my idea of solving a problem. You’re just sequestering privacy behind a paywall and pretending it’s all fine. It’s not; it’s elitist and plays into the pay-for-privilege that toxic capitalism breeds. Because let’s keep in mind that privacy–unlike the continuous stream of manufactured goods–is a choice that only needs to be made once.

Let me just spare a few dollars for privacy after paying for rent & groceries in my third world country currency.

As with all years-old corporate bullshit, that holds no meaning beyond posturing for their stakeholders.