• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


That’s a really hard problem to solve. But my advice, and what was working for me last time I tried, was using the Pi-hole as an exit node and forcing as much traffic through it as possible. The only downside to this is that your Pi-hole dashboard will be less interesting because your devices will show as the Pi-hole itself. If you’re already doing that, then my only guess is getting obsessive about domain blocking until it stops, and even that will have its limits.

I second this. And the transition was made easy due to anti-consumer practices. Plus, you can take your media on-the-go for free

They have the money to do it. And historically, the CIA has done similar things globally for decades

I get your point, but that’s exactly what I do. When someone say “just use discord”, I drop their product/service/etc. and move on. I’m not saying everyone else should do that, but my life is too short for “support” via Discord

I know interested people don’t like to talk about it…but we, the people, should really be moving away from Discord. A bucket of water doesn’t fix a burning house, ya know?

Then I’d suggest SearXNG. I use public instances because no one has made a way for me to natively host it myself, but I recommend it regardless

Some day surely Windows and Mac will get something similar to SearXNG, then you won’t have to worry about this stuff

RethinkDNS is a great option unless you already have something in place that you want to use as well.

For example, I have a pi-hole and a server that I’d like to use 24/7. There’s a few ways to do it, but I’m an idiot and need a simple, hard-to-ruin method. So I use the pi-hole as an exit node with TailScale

Yes, I am. To be more specific about the custom ROM, I’m trying to find a direct link to a trustworthy source…because I’ve looked and couldn’t find one myself

Ah, excuse my ignorance please. I only know about Graphene and Lineage

The fingerprint sensor doesn’t work most of the time, the light sensor thinks its in my pocket when its in my hand (and thinks that its in my hand when its in my pocket), the battery started draining rapidly within a year of purchase, and much more. Is there an Oxygen release for my phone? When I checked about a year ago, all I could find was an unofficial Lineage release that seemed sketchy

Best OS for OnePlus Nord N10?
First, let me say that this is the worst phone I've ever owned. I don't have have "fuck it, I'm buying a Pixel" money right now, but I'd like to try un-ruining my phone if possible. And what are the best ways to back up my phone before the switch?

Pi-hole and Simplewall, everything except my phone is running Ethernet

The Nord N10, I bought it because everyone in the store recommended it at the same time. After my experience, I’m pretty sure they were paid to say that

I’ve got a OnePlus, but it’s the worst phone I’ve had and I’m looking forward to it breaking. Could be my model, but I’m permanently done with the company

I do the same. It’s a fantastic, heavily customizable combo that hasn’t failed me once

I’m kinda in the same boat as you. There’s a Windows bloatware uninstaller (I forget the name) that strips many features you don’t want. And I’ve used BCuninstaller to forcibly remove things I didn’t want. Outside of that, you can use your own router with a strict Pi-hole to see a lot of the Microsoft telemetry getting blocked. Not saying it catches all of it, but it works for me

I bounce around a few public Sear instances, its working great for me

There’s a script on github (don’t have the link right now) for an automated whitelist. I was expecting it to break some things or end up useless, but it was the perfect addition for me Edit: https://github.com/anudeepND/whitelist

Which VPN service? I normally use Tailscale with the Pi as an exit node, but I’d like to have simultaneous VPN connection

I made a Win11 machine earlier this year without this issue, but that could’ve changed

Yeah, I paid for a year’s worth of service, then found out. I’m cheap as hell so I’m gonna ride out my subscription, but I’m definitely switching…I just haven’t decided on the service yet

I’ve been using Nord, and I’m on the fence about switching to either Proton or Mull. I’d like to hear how people chose one or the other

Does a public instance ID or log users? I never even considered it because it seems risky, like I’m asking for backdoor access to my network

Never thought I’d see a day where people feel compelled to circumsize their cars

DuckDuckGo, I’ll switch to SearXNG as soon as it comes to Windows

I’m out of the loop and a novice, what’s wrong with it?

Is there a good dummy-proof guide on setting that up? That sounds exactly like why I bought the Pi in the first place

I’m trying to get all traffic through the Pi-hole and VPN. Do you mean more than setting the Pi-hole as the DHCP server?

Pi-hole + TailScale + NordVPN
My Pi-hole is handling my DHCP, and I have Tailscale set up for remote access. But how to I set my devices (for example, phone outside of my LAN) to route as follows: device > Pi-hole > NordVPN? Is that even possible? The end goal being to combine the benefits of Pi-hole with a paid VPN, regardless of location.

Between X and Z, the always forgotten “Gen whY”

If people who are smarter and more capable than me really care about communal privacy and respect, I think the best thing that could happen is for all relevant non-user friendly apps, services, OSs, etc. to have their benefits ported into new applications that are as pleasing and easy to use as Windows and Mac. I love Linux and Debian tools, but trying to do anything on one of those systems feels like being forced to learn Chinese; therefore I can’t recommend them to my friends and family. Which, after going down the rabbit hole, is depressing to say the least.

I have converted almost everyone I know in my age group, so some care. I think its mostly a lack of education issue, but trying to teach people probably gets interpreted as a bad sales pitch so I don’t push anymore. I do my thing, people see it and ask questions, slow victory

It could be user error, but most redirects wouldn’t work for me. I slowly removed the ones that usually didn’t go through, which left me with all of them disabled so I had to remove it. But I keep my eye open for updates