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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Yes you should, but you have take your data safety into your own hands. You cannot trust Google, Apple, and other big tech companies. That is not to say that these companies should get away with the things they do, there should be punishment… but that is the reality.

You can also set your DNS in settings to an adblocking DNS such as Mullvad, that works really well for me. Rethink is also for for more precise control.

Mullvad link to their dns servers: https://mullvad.net/en/help/dns-over-https-and-dns-over-tls

Came here looking for this, I just got the email. I do not use their email service as a main email, so I wont be missing a lot. Still disappointing however, but not really surprised.

Thanks for the heads up. Just today I noticed the new fossify apps in fdroid… didn’t realize it was forked from simple mobile tools. I will be downloading and replacing my notes app when it becomes available.

Not sure why Netflix wouldn’t be on the Aurora store. Anyway, I did use android TV on an OdroidXU4 for a few months. It worked well with an air mouse and made it work like a regular android TV. Only issue I had with it sometimes was getting it to wake up after being asleep for some time, but that issue could have been ROM+odroid (or air mouse) specific.

Have them install duck duck go on their phones and turn on the app tracking protection and then they can see the data collected by companies they have never heard of. It will show how they try to collect your full name, email, and exact gps coordinates.

In the 10 years i had my gmail account i used up just over 800mb. Mainly filled with account stuff, purchases, sign up stuff etc. I guess how fast you fill it up probably depends on a persons use case. I’ve since moved to Proton Mail.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have used this keyboard for about a day now and I love it. I didn’t expect much going in but it actually has a lot of features and options.

Yes, and when we used the term “programs” instead of “apps” for everything.