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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


Yeah, it does need a lot of getting used to, especially if you want to change some settings.

With AndroidTV I have the same problem as with Windows: More and more of the “features” seem to be against my interests. That might be a view tainted by the SmartTVs, but it’s the only experience I have with it.

Yeah, fair enough. Did you try kodi with a different hardware? Might be a bit easier on the clunkiness. But besides AndroidTV, which I hate because it doesn’t do what I want, I have no alternative.

I haven’t dabbed in it, what does the select keycode being higher than 255 do?

I use a raspberry pi with LibreElec/Kodi. It works with the HDMI-CEC, meaning I control it with the TV remote.

Jellyfin can be used as a source for movies and stuff with a plugin.

Or someone that does not trust a centralised solution as it is easily used to suppress people.