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I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy. I also have a big, blue username. This is my primary Lemmy account, but I have many others like it on other instances.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I don’t see how conspiracy theories would discredit cash over card. They often cite the same reasons any other anti-card payment people have. They just have weird reasons to need those features. If they’re paranoid about being “got” by “them,” they’re usually into the private nature of cash and all that goes along with it, same as any other privacy concerned person.

They certainly don’t hurt it as much as drug dealers and money launderers.

Stop telling people their body is insecure. Everyone is beautiful!

It won’t be long now until we have the eye scanner things from Minority Report and the only way to protect your privacy is to become blind

Cold, hard cash. It’s the only truly private monetary transaction you can have.

If you just don’t want to go through Google or Apple, there’s always a normal bank. But even they keep records and could be selling that info.

Crypto isn’t even private. It also keeps records of transactions and unlike a bank, they’re public.

Decentralization and encryption and all these things for privacy are always going to attract those who will use it for sinister shit. The best way to combat it is, unfortunately, giving up some of those expectations of privacy. Which sucks. Because there is a lot of good that can also be done, and has to be done, out of sight. Such as fighting tyranny or oppression.