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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


While I like those options, they are definitely not for everyone. Those problems are collective, protecting the privacy of 1% of the population is as good as protecting nobody.

I Remember people uploading 10gb files of noise in order to fuck their storage

Adv effectiveness is a fraud anyway, so they wouldn’t care nor notice it.

Apparently, they also worsened the UI

I live in Europe, and I feel the battle is still on (but very very difficult)

Privacy is a collective “war”, it’s not something that can be fought on individual level. You can adopt some precaution on a personal level, and try to do better, but it’s something that must be brought to a collective level.

Same as climate change policy and worker right.

Well, yeah but it’s not what we usually means when we talk about data economy, aren’t we?

I would happily pay (not for Facebook, but as a general consideration) if you would give me an ads free eperience AND stop gathering data from me.

Those devices are awesome, but they are too pricey for most of the customer.

If you rely on Google donation in order to survive, at the end of the day you are under some sort of control. I’m not saying that Google is running Firefox directly, of course, but if Firefox would grow enough to became a problematic competitor for Chrome, they would definitively have the power to step in. So, how really free can they be?

but isn’t Firefox itself basically paid by Google? I can’t see it as a threat to Google full control of the web

I discovered it some days ago too! It seems very interesting, but I don’t feel like it worth a subscription ATM to mee (I’m using Brave search and it’s a fine compromise). Saved the link though.