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Joined 1M ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2024


And they’re continuing to put out more and more apps and features without increasing prices or any of that bullshit. They grandfathered my Proton Prime plan or whatever it was called without any interruption of service when they got rid of the plan. Basically, they just do a lot of great things

Plus one to Proton. They recently moved to a not-for-profit model because they believe it will help them better protect their customers interests

While I see your concern, most hackers go for low hanging fruit. They don’t need to bother going after someone who makes it difficult to get their data, because your neighbor is probably much more accessible. Keep doing your part and restricting access to your data, but keep a clear head about it. Getting excessively worried is just going to make it more likely to slip up, a calm and collected approach will do you well

From what I can glean, it’s another sort of mass surveillance, wherein the provider of a chat service would be required to monitor communications for “suspicious activity”

Basically, the government is once again asking for unrestricted access to your personal life “for your own good”