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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


The girl also moves extremely slowly and permanently has her arms out to the side at the elbows. I assume this is the only way they could get the results they wanted to show.

So I don’t know if you guys actually read the article or not but they absolutely DO claim that it works against YOLO which they claim to be the most popular recognition software. I don’t know about how factual any of that is, but they do make the statement.

Ah, I didn’t catch that, but it still sounds sort of unnecessary for most users.

There’s no benefit to ANY of these. You can do what all of them do yourself with stock Firefox and set it up however you like, and you’ll be the first to get updates and security patches.

Twitter is the second worst app in existence only behind Snapchat.

Mars can have a little robot. As a treat.

I am suspicious of anything I see being pushed as heavily as Kagi is pushed by it’s alleged users.

Can someone abolish conservatives already?

What services do they even provide these days that you can’t get better elsewhere? Worst browser these days, the search has gone completely to shit and all their web apps are dated and stale compared to alternatives.

LOL, wait, is it copypasta or does that guy just post that a lot?

Someone just told me about this app an few days ago and I’m loving it!

To be honest 99% of people, certainly including me, probably don’t recognize tracking elements in a URL unless they’re like affiliate links.

I’m just surprised so many people are on the side of corporations and bullshit contracts that allow this shit. People seem to be against their own freedoms as long as someone can paint it to them as a beurocratic issue instead of a morality.

Yes. I am a foreigner to you. I’m saying, people who emigrate here seem to use it. I’m sorry I didn’t type out “people who emigrate here” and used a shorthand term, hopefully someday you can forgive me.

I don’t think the gen pop thinks about privacy and security with their messaging apps here.

I never said that? I don’t even know what it looks like because it’s so uncommon here, lol.

Yes and no. I hate Apple, but it’s definitely the dominate force around here, everyone has one.

Fair enough, I’m just saying locally no one uses it except really sketchy people who get weird looks when they ask if anyone has it. It’s pretty much either Facebook Messenger or Snapchat around these parts.

WhatsApp seems to be something only foreigners and drug dealers use in my experience. What’s the appeal?

In concept, it didn’t work that well when I tried it a few months ago, personally.

No, and no other forks of Firefox should be either. Why don’t you guys get that you can do the same stuff with Firefox as all these different forks do, and still get same day updates and security patches?

Absolutely. I would never recommend any of these offshoots over stock. You can literally set it up the same exact way if you want, but still get same day security patches and updates.

This was garbage every time it was posted before, and it’s still garbage.

Apparently I’m just lying because I swore I read somewhere it was based on Gecko. My bad.

WTF? What country? Even at jobs where I was given a phone no one felt like ditching their personal devices.

Depends on the company size and the people above IT. Sometimes the boss is a chode and demands everyone be supervised like children constantly.