
I have scores hidden and block at the first sign of asshattery, say what you gotta say in the first.

“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer.”

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Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Nov 13, 2019


no major issues so far on fedora 40 beta.

gnome 46 is looking very nice and gnome 47 even more better on gnome os. fedora gave me secure boot.

i gave kde neon a spin and loved it too. i’m hunting for the best touchscreen support.

both, i installed gnome os and kde neon to get a preview of latest.

im on my way to fedora 40.

both, i installed gnome os and kde neon to get a preview of latest.

im on my way to fedora 40.


i dont recommend it as a daily driver, im just testing out the latest between kde plasma and gnome desktop environments to see who handles touchscreens better.

im one of those people that like poking the monitor.

in-fact, I’m already omw to fedora 40.

I just installed gnome on my laptop because they kept spamming the copilot shit.

I use my os to get started on what im doing, not fuck around with all the repeating notifications that can’t be disabled.

From my brief interactions with the dev I believe they’re doing things the very hard way when it comes to indexing.

It might be the only choice once AI poisoning becomes prolific. It’s already corrupted the niche topics and soon it may overwhelm the topics with more human eyes on it.

omg so cool right? they finally invented usernames. IRC is jealous.

meanwhile apple already did it without even asking.

I live in DC and most groceries don’t support it.

Whole Foods wants to use some qr code thing, probably precursor to the palm.

bro, come back to me when most stores accept touch emv payments. lol, like each fucking store is gonna know what to do with a fucking palm scan when emv is fucking forbidden magic.