• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


If your argumentation results to shaming people for not being native English speakers I think everything is said here.

Your comment certainly feels like you look/kick down on people instead of giving them a helping hand getting up.

With your attitude you are driving away people who want to do exactly what you want of them: educating theirselfs.

You are being contra productive to your own demands is what I’m saying

I did read this part, and while this is generally true, there are use cases of such large models. Some of them require the input of personal data (find bugs in my code, formalize this email, scan this picture for text and translate it, draw an anime version of this picture of my friend tom)

So people being weary of security implications of such large models are certainly not

in a huge circle jerk that never ends, but refuses to understand how it all works.

Sure you can just call them all dumb using ai like the mainstream (putting in personal data) and attribute it to an unwillingness to understand, but this doesn’t match the reality. Most people don’t even understand how an operating system functions, which components work online and which offline and who can access which of their information, let alone know how “AI” works and what the security implications are.

So If people ask those questions, hoping there are alternatives they can use safely your answer “no, u just dumb, machine can’t harm you, its not magic, just don’t put in data in”

Is not only rude but also missing the point. Most usefull/fun/mainstream ways DO in fact, put in data.

You explaining basic models also doesn’t help, as the concern here is not mainly/only the model, but american spy institution to access all prompts you did put in, maybe categorizing you in personality clusters dependent on your usage of language or assigning tags on which political stance a users has (and with entities like the NSA I could imagine far worse)

Also “A model is a model” Is not very accurate in such cases. When someone has control and secrecy over each aspect of the model, it would be very well possible for entities like the NSA to manipulate the content the models puts out in arbitrary directions. A government controlling and manipulating information the public receives is a red flag for a lot of people (rightfully so IMHO)

How are people supposed to get better in digital privacy topics if you just tell them to shut up and insult them when they aks questions trying to learn? You acting like you are in your Elfenbeinturm of genius isn’t helping anyone.

There is a difference between a general scare about the AI buzzword and legitimate distrust in online services which are closely connected to american spying institutions (regardless if they are ai or not)

If my calories tracker app would apoint a (former) NSA official on their board, I would be looking for alternatives too. This is not about AI, this is about a company with huge sets of private data being closely interconnected with american spy institutions.

Sad that you don’t seem to be able to distinguished between legitimate security questions and badly informed hypes/scares ass soon as a buzzword like AI occurs

Dude, that is literally what I did! to quote my original comment:

If you want to be sure you cant be tracked, monitored, spyed on, and calls can’t be intersepted:

Don’t ever connect it to WiFi and don’t insert a sim card.

[Reasons why this is the case]

If you just want to decrease spying by companies and less powerful people:

[Things you can to anyway to increase privacy]

I don’t know what your problem is honestly. Maybe my tone was off, if so thats on me, I am not a native speaker, but I really don’t know why you are targeting me now with your quite harsh stellvertreterkrieg… You are not even op, why are you so offended and talk me down?

Interpret it how you want. I think it is better to tell that an online phone will never fulfill this demands and risk stating the obvious than just mentioning things he can do and risk him feeling save and acting as the requirements where met, when they are really not

“What else needs to be done to anonymous this phone and make it a privacy phone and a spy free phone no tracking phone no interception phone and no monitored phone.”

Without trying to be mean, the generality with which op asks questions let’s me think this need to be said

But: every non Foss app you download runs code you can’t control and could potentially compromise security. So caution is advised.

Good question. Tried to find it but couldn’t. Think I saw a post linking to an article somewhere here on Lemmy, but can’t find it anymore. So take it with a grain of salt

Exactly. If you want to be 100℅ sure you don’t get tracked AT ALL you can’t use the internet.

The second you connect metadata is gained by ISP and all the servers which get called. This can be enough to track you down for powerful entities like the government.

If only your aunt may with a evening school IT course is your threat, a pin and graphene os is probably enough

Also OP mentioned his sim card is registered on his real life name, so having that connected to cellphones is enough to track you if you have a warrant to force your internet service provider to share the information

You always need to ask: which data do you want to protect.

If its position data and calls: nothing, it really doesn’t matter what phone you use if the connection is not secure.

If its communication via messenger like matrix: you are already quite good protected with graphene os and matrix from a safe source.

If its Trojans from the police: don’t download any software/apps/services that are not open source and widely reputable. (Most rich western states can probably still get full control if they want to because of zerodays)

If you want privacy for calls: get a simcard without your name/Iban/PayPal/creditcard etc attached to it in any way (prepaid with cash), Reset the phone, drive somewhere where you don’t work or live with phone off Insert simcard and turn on phone. Wait Turn off phone and disable sim card Use only WiFi until you really need sim service (best not at your home or work).

If you want to protect data on phone: don’t have biometric login (you can be forced to put your finger on the sensor, you can’t be forced to type in a password as easily)

Netguard, shelter, only FOSS software, regular updates, no cloud, no google is never a bad idea, also only communicate via safe encrypted protocols (matrix, xmpp, pgp, https, etc., NOT WhatsApp, Facebook, unencrypted mail, http, SMS, calls)

EDIT: people here mentioned that graphene has a build in firewall, which you can use instead of netguard. I have netguard running though as I know the interface and options, have separate profiles for shelter and normal and don’t use a VPN anyway.

To be honest, if kyc means what I think it does (I am not from the states) so that your provider knows your real identity, this phone with this sim will not be private, especially not when constantly connected to cell service.

With a warrant the local police could force your provider to tell them to which cell phone tower you are connected to, effectively giving them live position data. They can also read all unencrypted trafic this way (calls, SMS, telegram, http traffic etc.)

If your thread level is the police, you already f’d up, sry :/

Plus: its google/us hardware. They could always hide something in lower level software like drivers or bios.

(Cant find the arricle i was thinking of, maybe false): It was recently discovered that snapdragons pinged their home server when turning on, which was not noticeable in android as it was on a deeper software level

If you want to be sure you cant be tracked, monitored, spyed on, and calls can’t be intersepted:

Don’t ever connect it to WiFi and don’t insert a sim card.

Graphene or not, your ISP can still share your position or other meta data with government and stuff (in the us they can also be forced to not tell you) - in some countries they legally sell to third party’s, in some probably illegaly

Calls are normally not encrypted so the os doesn’t matter as much if its the government who can force your ISP or if someone is skilled enough for a Man in the middle attack.

Android is a highly complex system, it will never be 100% safe.

If you just want to decrease spying by companies and less powerful people:

Use neo store or fdroid (no google play or aurora) as all apps there are Foss

Don’t install gapps or any other google services/packages

Use shelter for less trusted apps

Use netguard to block apps from accessing the internet

Physically block your cameras

If you want to be absolutely sure no one is recording audio: destroy mics with a needle and connect headset only when you need it

To only use communication apps which are encrypted and you hold the keys should be not needed to be said: matrix, signal, element, xmpp are good, (telegram (normal chats), Facebook, WhatsApp etc is a no go)

It was, that was the kind of information I needed, as it helps to differentiate what kind/level of privacy I have and what kind/level of privacy different actors can circumvent etc.

As I am mostly looking at not generating useful data for shitcompanies like amazon, google, Microsoft etc. The always onvpn and no cookies except YouTube should be more than sufficient. If my country decides that my political opinion is no longer permitted I should nevertheless be using Tor and check if I’m unique (fingerprint wise).

Thanks for the detailed response. I’m sure my IP is most relevant in tracking me, but if I’m tracked while visiting Lemmy/YouTube it would do no harm, while correlating my YouTube activity with my e.g. me reading websites the government doesn’t like would do harm.

I use mullvad, and previously read using tor through a VPN doesn’t really make sense. I have Firefox set to not save cookies, but I have made an exception for YouTube as it is to troublesome to log in with 2fa all the time.

My thought was that it may be easier to match up the fingerprint of @somelemmyuser accessing lemmy with the fingerprint of @somelemmyuser downloading capitalist propaganda while living in China if they come from the same VPN in a similar timeframe, while it would be harder to match the fingerprint of @somelemmyuser acsessing Lemmy from an normal ISP to the fingerprint of @somelemmyuser accsessing capitalist propaganda from a VPN, as you would need both datasets to find matches.

And since me accessing Lemmy is not a problem but my lemmy account could be tracked back to me as a physical person, it could be smart to not do it with the same VPN.

Any suggestions about checking leaks etc? I have done this one check, but I’m not that deep in the matter to know if its enough.

So you say to keep it running - any (technical) reasoning or just that you think my YouTube connection exiting the vpn and the connection to the website the government doesn’t like exiting the VPN can not be correlated that easy?

Disable VPN while browsing casual or leave running?
Hey guys n gurls, I was wondering if it is smart to disable my VPN connection for casual browsing. Reasons: when having VPN constantly running it may be possible to track me via browser fingerprinting. Szenario: the connection coming from the VPN which hypothetically downloaded a torrent, tries to watch capitalist propaganda while living in China, etc.pp has this screen ratio, this locale, this addons etc. And (more important) the YouTube login cookie we know belongs to this physical person/telephone number etc. So I am wondering if I should only use the VPN when "needing" it (read articles not available in country, Netflix, read information government doesn't like, things like that.) Or if I'm missing something here and I could obscure my causal day to day browsing as well without decreasing the security of the VPN. For reference, the VPN doesn't log anything (for more than a day) to my knowledge EDIT: From what I understand from the comments: switching the VPN has little to no impact on widely used tracking and if at all makes it easier to corelate data. People emphasize the general lack of full privacy if you are wanted by entities willing to spend enough resources. But for the general need of privacy in normal usecases it makes more sense to just leave the VPN running.

Okay, that’s the information I needed. Ty :)

Okay that makes sense. But which are the ones actually apllying?

E.g: exodus says the app can see my position System settings say they can’t see my position, as its disabled.

So: is bike Computer capable of seing my position at the moment?

![Screenshot_20240401-141407_Berechtigungssteuerung](https://discuss.tchncs.de/pictrs/image/b7510955-a594-44db-b0c0-11218f463ac3.jpeg) Edit: got told by the kind folks in the community that this is expected and the sentence "can access position while in background" actually just means: will ask you for the permission to access the position from the background but only does so, if you allow it" - that's what I figured, but now im sure. Thanks for the clarification everyone! Hey guys n gurls, I recently learned about exodus, and installed it to check my apps. While exodus shows some apps (like bike computer for reference) are allowed to track my position (quite logically). The strange thing: in system settings it says seeing position is not allowed. Does this mean that the app wants those permissions but I don't granted them? Or are my system settings bricked? Is this because of lineage? Is this expected? Would greatly appreciate someone who understands this a little bit more to explain :) P.S: Is (the tracker part of) exodus even useful when i already use neo store which shows known tracker? Is this maybe even the same database?

Imagine trusting a sharepic made by the company itself.

For real though - its a chromium, those are there as long as google let’s them (still provides the source code for the newest version). There are obvious concerns regarding manifest v3 and the possibility (being discussed/implemented right now) to remove of adblockers, tracking blockers etc. In the matter of one update - the company deciding to roll out the update being the same making most money from advertising with google AdSense.

Also they build a monopoly and will slowly transform it I to a cash cow once all competition is whipped (same what is happening with YouTube at the moment).

Don’t use chrome or chrome clones boys.

As a wise german saying goes: Egal ob die tütensuppe von Maggi oder die tütensuppe von Knorr, am Ende is eh alles nestle

sry, but if you think this is a rational discussion, i am not willing to have one with you as we have widley diffrent expectations on discussion culture.

But yes, catching whales and gambling mec hanics are obviously bad.

okay, maybe I interpreted “go home and rethink your gaming preferences” wrong. For the part where Valronant is on Steam: can you give me a link?

So you don’t think your answer is polemical?

You just stating facts for a rational debate?

  1. Whether Linux is supported has nothing to with Linux. Riot decides if they port or not
  2. You think the same about cs:go and dota? Surely you are not some hypocrit fanboy who loves games just because the were made by his favcapitalists corporation

I know riot is a controversial company to say it friendly, but since the games are free to play and not pay to win, I can morally live with playing them, since they are a lot of fun for me (also a lot of frustration but I guess that comes with every PvP team game).

I don’t think valorant is verified on steamdeck, since riot never worked with steam and valorant isn’t available on steam. Quick search on steam still doesn’t find it. I think you got something wrong here.

And frankly I think passively aggressively telling someone he plays the wrong games, because they don’t work on steam is a bad argument.

What finally drove me back to windows: some games just will not work all the time:

Especially the riot games (which I mainly play) are not made for Linux. Valorant doestn run at all (correct me if this changed) because of the anti cheat.

League will only run when the chads from the internet have written a working lutris script.

While the anti cheat of valorant needs kernel privileges and this is clearly some fckd up shit on riots side and not at all Linux fault, the result still is the same: it doesn’t work.

Same goes for lutris league. While riot not supporting linux is clearly their fault and the people who provide the lutris whine scripts for free for everyone are the real MVPs, the result is a disadvantage in usabilitiy compared to windows. Sometimes it takes time for the community to come up with solutions to changes in the game, sometimes the installer scripts don’t work at all because of some quirk with your specific distro/ your installed packages/your monitor format/etc.pp. Sure you could configure wine yourself, but you need an computer science degree for that which I don’t have.