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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2023


Yes. Third parties include, but are not limited to insurance companies, the government (state and local and federal), international medical data banks, collection agencies, credit bureaus, every big pharma doing research on the planet, and anyone with a ‘smart’ phone. Oh. And them… the smartphone guys.

The so called “patriot act” isn’t enough. They need more ways to break the law. And by law I mean the Constitution. And by “break the law” I mean FISA.

Assembler guys - ASSEMBLE! Spin up super DOS and slap a couple of user interfaces on top and voila! I give you DOS 7.0 .

Unfortunately the new “mass surveillance” program will be surveilling American citizens and not bother to look at world threats. As usual.

Doing kind of a shit job too I’d say.

The spying isn’t for our benefit… it’s on us.

It’d make some ‘defense contractors’ VERY happy!

Of course. Isn’t this what they say every time? We need more secret government.

Government of the people. No… we don’t need it more secretive. Go find a job in the peace corp lady and let’s have way fewer secrets FOR the people.

Screw this. Tell you what - start putting Musk’s brain chips in the wealthy first. Let’s see them lead by example this time.

All you privacy is gone no matter where you go or where you live.

The duck, Chuck, because it doesn’t suck.

Slap this fucker in irons. We don’t need billionaire global politics - the game.

And while you’re at it get musk too - for interfering in the attack of our ally on an enemy regime.

Interpersonal communications will have a tremendous uptake in the confines of this fine glass shithouse.