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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 20, 2024


Have you looked at World Anvil? It’s been a long time and I don’t remember what the free vs. paid tier comparisons were, but I thought it was pretty slick.

Edit: Didn’t realise the community I’m in. I have no idea the privacy state of World Anvil but I’ll edit if I come across it.

I know I’m just an undereducated consumer, but rough month for Sonos as far as my purchase plans went.

I went out mid-May to get a soundbar and headphones. As hard as it is, I sucked up my impulsive purchase drive because reportedly there was a big sale (25%) coming plus the new headphones had leaked and were going to be WiFi.

June comes. Headphones aren’t WiFi. Seeing privacy stories about Sonos.

So I let the 25% deal go by and still haven’t bought anything.

Ok I feel this is a bad idea to postulate because I’m probably wrong, but I think that stretches the definition of sarcasm.

Couldn’t bring myself to say it in a post that had hundreds of votes.

As you traverse the continent, the same “single” appears looking for love in every town you fly over.

Edit: then you’re over Nevada and ads switch to “Welcome back! We missed you at Bobs Brothel and Budget Backrubs, swing on by for our returning members discount.”

Ads themselves are an insult considering the cost of travel. But they’re insulting us all over the place on shit we pay for.

But personalized ads in view of strangers is full-on absurdly an insult to privacy. Get bent, I hope someone finds a way to display the guitar video and song for the whole plane.