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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


I recently had this same issue with WideVPN. Never, ever use these guys. Bunch of shady, rude asshole on customer service that cant’ be bothered to handle a simple account deletion request.

I would love to see the look on your friends faces if they ever got caught doing something they shouldn’t have on company property.

every community has herd mentality to a degree. Sometimes, you just have to keep asking if you haven’t found your answer, but you can’t ask them in short time intervals.

Most people are not starting to take their privacy and expectations of apps on their device seriously unfortunately. It would be better if they did so we can get some legislation going to get closer to becoming GDPR compliant. I realize that’s a pipedream, but only then would people take their privacy seriously.

Not anti-trans at all, but what does being on linux has anything to do with trans views? You would be surprised how many far right-winger bigots aren’t tech illiterate. Many of them run dark websites with illegal content.