Autistic tech enthusiast and entrepreneur

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Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Thanks. It actually means a lot to me that you get me to an extent. I was born like this. My thinking is harshly different and most people agree with me after long winded explanation but the initial reaction is often hostile. It even gets to a point where people get violent. These days more emotionally but also physically when I was young. It’s how I experience autism.

I read through your answer completely. Thank you. It’s actually (again) mostly the same thinking process I have and my ideas are mostly the same.

That I am trying to say is that the reaction „post all logs and outcomes of these commands“ is exactly how I like it. Classic troubleshooting. Professional, just great.

What I take issue with is assuming to know why a person said something. I asked if the product I wrongly assumed is for profit made is just trash or if I got it wrong. The exact wording is different but the context of both my post and comments clearly shows that I am not assuming I know everything. Thats why I asked.

It’s a misunderstanding, I get it but it shows me that you actually shouldn’t ask here since you need to obey to an arbitrary rule of law which is completely different from any nettiquette.

And lastly, as you said, internet points show if a comment is helpful. My post and comments were helpful both in describing the problem and explaining how I drew the conclusion.

I‘m not taking this personal, I‘m trying to show that shitting on people, however wrong or stupid they may seem, is our problem everywhere. It’s actually why people get redicalized irl. Because they are misunderstood and then reigned in by bad actors.

So my conclusion is: be careful who you (as in everyone) shit on because you’re actively making the world a worse place. One post/comment at a time. It’s fun for you and your superior buddies, but not for the other one. That makes you bullies, nothing else.

Thanks for explaining. This makes sense. In the subs I moderate I take care of this kind of behavior as it drives away the people I actually want in the community and only keeps bullies.

Thanks for elaborating. That makes sense.

And in the last part comes what I don’t understand. I never called the project trash, even before editing. I asked if it was trash or I was missing something (which I was, and someone could have just said so).

I assumed (wrongly) that is was abandonware or something since it literally looked like the windows version stripped of all but basic functionality.

And this is why people don’t like to come to computer centric, and especially linux centric communities. Being frustrated and maybe even out of line does not give anyone the right to dogpile.

Thanks for elaborating. I would simply argue that my question was legit and it upsets me that I get downvoted on every comment (and my post) for asking a question, of which I edited most to reflect the new knowledge I gathered. I assumed something that wasn’t the case, my bad. I still think my post and comments were a good addition to this community for someone who searches for this information in the future. Thats why I dont unterstand the downvotes.

Thanks for making your opinion abundandly clear. That acutally helped a great deal. :)

I, sadly have the same nvidia problem. Good example btw how hard it is to find good information about linux stuff. I read a lot of posts on nvidia vs amd and most were like “it doesn’t really matter but amd is more cooperative”. Thats the issue. I would argue that someone who is making a linux build should absolutely stay away from nvidia but people are not as clear.

And thanks too for the suggestion. i will definitely write an email to elgato voicing my frustration.

Meta: May I ask something else? Why is it that linux centric subs often get called out for being condescending, dogpiling and gatekeeping? My case is a great example. I voiced frustration while apparently being ignorant. Instead of just telling me “take that up with elgato” people got offended (i assume) and downvoted and outright piled up on me. That is the exact opposite of welcoming new posters. I happen to moderate c/ubuntuserver and r/ubuntuserver where I delete comments dogpiling on ignorant people all the time and even get modmail asking why I allow ignorant people to ask questions in a support community. I don’t get it. Can’t we just try and answer peoples questions?

Now I agree on all points. I actually have had no issues configuring linux server for the past two years and I probably just assumed the desktop variant would be as mature as the server variant. On top came the drastically different ui. And yes, community devs are very approachable. I have solved a lot of issues with minecraft servers that way, thanks to those devs.

Just so you know, these are the reasons I assumed linux is in most parts on par with windows, ui wise:

  • firefox = non distinguishable from windows imo
  • vs code = non distinguishable
  • libre office = looks a bit older than ms office 2013 but is insanely responsive and works like a charm
  • linphone = looks and works very good
  • steam = looks the same and is a lot faster than on windows
  • element desktop = looks and feels the same
  • obs = same
  • blender = same

These are 8 pieces of software that were mindblowingly good. Three of them are for profit afaik (but still open source) VS Code, Linphone, Element. Steam I think is closed. Imagine the shock I then had when installing streamdeck. All others are 99% on par (and some better) than windows.

I’m definitely impressed with Linux. I just don’t think it is helpful to dogpile on someone who is asking questions instead of just informing them. That is ultimately what a forum is for afaik.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll try that.

Concerning the “look up the things you’re using next time” feels like you assume I didnt do that. I looked up 20 different items in my config and even made some hardware choices based on that. the issue is that the information is not as easily gathered in some cases (see stream deck).

My point initially was that it is shocking to me that an expensive piece of hardware that has a pretty solid ui on windows should have (as I just learned) at least an official ui for linux at all.

Btw. I’m using linux for 2 yrs on a home server and am an admin for linux servers. The server side of linux is just a lot less complicated and thus I feel like the information as well as the software are easier to understand imo.

Also, I find the “then linux is not for you yet” a bit rough. I would argue that my point is valid, assuming that for profit companies usually do bother to at least have some kind of ui ready after linux is on the rise for quite some time and windows is deep down the enshittification spiral. I feel like asking what troubleshooting steps were undertaken before judging that someone is not ready for desktop linux would have been the appropriate way here.

Thanks anyway. I will check on reddit in the meantime.

I agree on all points but one. I usually prefer to have more options and freedom as well BUT I am shocked that elgato didn’t even bother to make a ui for the streamdeck on linux. The community made ui (I know of this for like 10 minutes) is the typical “pro version” as most things in linux are. You can basically steer a spaceship with it, I get it.

My point does not seem to compute though: People are switching from windows en masse (as am I, too) and there not being a stream deck windows ui equivalent from the maker, with at least most of the functionality from the windows version is shocking to me. I am solely saying there should be freedom of choice which interface to use. Due to elgatos ignorance or unwillingness or whatever other reason, there is not. This is what surprised me.

Thanks for letting me know. I just learnet that the other ui is community made as well. Shame on elgato to not bother for the thousands of linux users.

As of 5 minutes ago, I’m aware of this myself since someone bothered to tell me. People need to get that not everyone is on their level of knowledge and it is perfectly normal to assume that an expensive product comes with a linux version of the configuration software. Currently editing my post to reflect that.

And now we are getting somewhere. I‘m sorry, I don’t have the time to find out if the ui for an expensive piece of hardware I bought is made by someone else than the manufacturer.

In this case I retract my question (not statement, thus not unfair btw.) and make the statement that elgato is just not taking care of its linux users.

This is one piece of crucial advice that someone needs to know before buying a streamdeck. They just dont have a ui for linux.

Edit: thanks for downvoting instead of explaining. Someone just told me that the ui is in fact community made and elgato didn’t even bother to make a linux ui. That’s pretty devastating imo. So, the functionality still is a lot less user friendly but quite understandably so.

My issue with it is not the integration but the basic functionality compared to ad-dows. It‘s really frustrating to buy an expensive product, use it for a year on windows and then downgrade to hell when switching to linux. Most FOSS software looks and feels more taken care of than this.

I think a for profit ui that looks and feels like the 20 yr older windows brother is kind of trash, sorry.

I‘m totally with you on that. I get it. But I still think users should have the same options on linux than they do on windows if they don’t have hours to write scripts or the knowledge.

Arguing that the possibilities are endless is correct imo but it is leaving out the elephant in the room: This only applies to people who are not typical windows users.

**Edit: As of five minutes ago, I am aware that there is no official ui for the elgato stream deck which is a huge disservice to the users of this expensive piece of hardware. I was under the impression that streamdeck-ui was the official (and very outdated) official version, which is false. Those who bothered to explain this, thank you very much. To those piling up on someone who just hasn't as much knowledge as you do: feels bad man. Maybe consider that this is not reddit and schooling someone does not have to be aggressive.** Hi folks! I have switched to my Linux daily driver this week and after some starting issues, it's working quite well. But a few bits and bobs are quite annoying, such as streamdeck ui. The windows version looks and feels like a spaceship compared to the barebones version I have on ubuntu 23.04 Here's what the windows version looks like. ![]( Additionally, the windows version has plugins and stuff that pretty much make giant scripts that can do pretty much anything and everything. The Linux version doesn't even have it's own pictures that come with it. If you're curious I just used apt install streamdeck-ui instead of the complex stuff that is on the web (and doesn't work anymore because outdated). Am I just using a **really** outdated version or is the linux version just trash? TL;DR: Linux version of streamdeck ui looks 20 yrs old while the windows version looks like photoshop. Thanks for reading. Have a good one!

Thank you very much for this awesome comment! I will definitely check protondb a lot! :)

I actually installed factorio on the machine in question when it still had a shit gpu and it ran perfectly. I love that game. :)

I have paid special attention launching the game since it was running crazy slow. I don’t think I got that option. But in any case it works fine now.

Thanks for answering but I have no idea how that works. Additionally, I got it working now. It is running at 60+ frames after I chose steam linux runtime in the compatibility options.

So, I’m very new to this Linux Desktop experience. I have a Linux server that runs cli only so I’m very much not used to the desktop version.

I tried many proton versions and they all seemed to not work. The only thing that did work (and exceptionally well too) is the steam linux runtime (last option in steam compatibility).

I had to google to find out what wayland and X11 are. My terminal tells me I’m running X11.

Thank you so much! This is awesome! Will definitely look this up more often. I’m actually very surprised that games run this smoothly if you tinker with them.

Damn! You’re right. Thanks a lot. I completely forgot about smi.

This is the output:

±--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 535.86.05 Driver Version: 535.86.05 CUDA Version: 12.2 | |-----------------------------------------±---------------------±---------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap | Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |=========================================+======================+======================| | 0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Off | 00000000:65:00.0 On | N/A | | 0% 46C P8 16W / 200W | 371MiB / 8192MiB | 5% Default | | | | N/A | ±----------------------------------------±---------------------±---------------------+

±--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=======================================================================================| | 0 N/A N/A 3345 G /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg 155MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 3543 G /usr/bin/gnome-shell 28MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 6093 G …bian-installation/ubuntu12_32/steam 3MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 6104 G …allation/ubuntu12_64/steamwebhelper 11MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 8983 G /usr/bin/nautilus 25MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 9122 G /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor 8MiB | | 0 N/A N/A 9447 G …irefox/3131/usr/lib/firefox/firefox 117MiB | ±--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

I ran CS:GO in 150 to 200 FPS so it seems all right.

Thank you very much for answering.

Here is the output for lspci -v:

65:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Lite Hash Rate] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem: PNY GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Lite Hash Rate] Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 66, NUMA node 0 Memory at d7000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M] Memory at c0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M] Memory at d0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=32M] I/O ports at b000 [size=128] Expansion ROM at 000c0000 [virtual] [disabled] [size=128K] Capabilities: Kernel driver in use: nvidia Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau, nvidia_drm, nvidia

It looks to me as it would be working.

But now I have another problem: I installed CS:GO and have between 150 and 200 FPS on high. Looks like the 3060ti works after all. :) but now metro doesnt even start. If I hit play, it quickly cycles through start, cloud sync, running, stopped

This happened before. I then verified the game files and it worked again. Any idea what the issue is?

3060ti on Ubuntu feels like old Vodoo GPU
Update: I installed CS:GO and it runs insanely smooth. Metro didnt start at all. I now have cycled through many compatibility options and tried proton experimental, latest and now linux runtime. Now it works on solid 60 fps! Hi folks! I made it! I built a daily driver with Linux! But I'm running into the first walls, which was expected but is still annoying. So I bought a 3060ti which I got for a reasonable price and tried playing metro last light redux. Sub 10 fps. I'm pretty baffled atm. Have checked (and for sure, reddit was the first answer) but so far no dice. I changed from open source to proprietary driver, no changes either. Is there a troubleshooting guide or something? Can I even guarantee my card runs on full capacity without windows? (sorry, I'm not used to linux desktop). Thanks for reading! Have a good one!

Allthough not a pro but vpns are mostly mandatory for p2p filesharing as in most countries, downloading can be a problem, but sharing will screw you big time.

So, a vpn secures (ideall) all traffic from your pc to the vpn host. You then use the vpn hosts isp and so on (in a country where your government cant ask for your data ideally).

I‘m not sure how it works for https exactly. What if you download a file, especially.

Have a good one.

I started to read 1984 a couple years ago but it is so triggering I had to stop. It really sets your head straight. Might start again soon.

We are talking about completely different things.

I am critiquing the authors use of terms („the oligarchy“ and „parlor was shut down by the oligarchy“) which right out the gate brands them as a nut job. Neither do we have an agreed upon „oligarchy“ nor was that cesspool shut down for anything else (if that happened) than promoting hatespeech.

And I am asking myself the same question. What is this guy talking about? What oligarchy? The rest of the article is null and void because most people will leave the second they read such nonsense.

I read it first and downvoted it after.

It is a giant pile of horseshit. Not only is the authors parler pretty famous for being a fascist hate speech platform but the fact that shutting that whorehouse down (which I cant find anything about) is attributed to „the oligarchy“.

Dude, this does the complete opposite of what this place here is for. We‘re trying to build a platform free of manipulation and control. Right wing propaganda has no place here.