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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 30, 2023


I put ptm in my steam deck and the numbers are better and the heat coming out of the vent now is kinda scary but that means it’s not on the apu I guess. Next is the extra heat pipes mod and also ptm pad for my ancient laptop. It already had a repaste and the exhaust increase is also pretty impressive with just that.

That would be pretty handy especially if it could reapply each update. The lock screen merely existing is another. I want my first keypress to be the first letter of my password, not sliding up a screen that serves no purpose and is a pain even on phones. Really there are so many small things they did over the years to make a genuinely worse experience that I can’t even list them all. This week’s unapproved update after a few without windows running even once made edge the default browser again. First boot after windows hiatus initiating update reboot loop immediately without even logging in is also concerning.

I still don’t get why people keep defending it. Win+e doesn’t even open to a panel that lets me open the c drive without clicking other shit and waiting for it to appear first. An update also just put the search bar back on the task bar when I explicitly disabled it as soon as I got through the bad default options for days during the install. It also added copilot. Auto update is also supposed to be disabled.

While I’m at it fuck every dev that uses libraries/framework/etc that is known to not work in wine. There are thousands of better ways to be a shitty dev.

I’m still sad about not doing the EV conversion of the 80s civic wagon back when I had a job that I made money in. Definitely wouldn’t be able to spy on me. New cars have so much stuff that is a mystery and for some reason they need a lot more fixing.

I don’t support this existing, but does the nsa collect and sell all your data to third parties and make a shitload of money doing so? Because everyone else definitely does. I don’t know how difficult it is now, but some number of years ago you could request a copy of all the data some of the social media sites have on you and it’s fucking scary especially with how much is deduced, presumably from piecing together info from your entire social network.

Meh just another crappy rootkit game that doesn’t even fully prevent cheating at the cost of undermining system security. But for worse or worse, the entire playerbase doesn’t care about their data being bought and sold for immense profits they get 0% of.

From epic freebies? I got it running by just installing vcrun via wine tricks button in heroic launcher. Steam games usually install these at first launch behind the scenes.

Still waiting on $ony or m$ to introduce back paddles as independent buttons, removable battery packs with AA support on ps controllers, and hall effect everything that moves. But Linux hardware support is indeed impressive and nothing like the old days.

I just hope gabe is secretly a vampire or something because I don’t really trust that the supposed anti-enshittification plan for if he dies will be effective.

My too many folks are on Facebook messenger, Whatsapp, and telegram. ‘and’ not ‘or’…

Fucking liars don’t give a shit about the kids. Not their well being anyways.

Probably old self proclaimed tech news sites because goog doesn’t give good search results any more, or at all in the past decade or so.

Honestly not really, but on top of recent hate due to snap and etc, I have deeper rooted frustrations from the pre-proton era and having to suffer through dependency hell with ppa and such when trying to use bleeding edge packages to get things working and squeeze out individual frames per second, plain debian not being much better at the time, and just getting old and not even having the patience to slamy keyboard any more.

For banking apps, long pressing them to get to settings and enabling exploit protection compatibility mode usually fixes the problem.

The only EA game I ever enjoyed was NHL 98 on snes. It didn’t have anti cheat.