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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2022


I’m very skeptical that this “model poisoning” approach will work in practice. To pull it off would require a very high level of coordination among disparate people generating the training data (the images/text). I just can’t imagine it happening. Add to that: big tech has A LOT of resources to play this cat & mouse game.

I hope I’m wrong, but I predict big tech wins here.

This drives me nuts too. Who the hell decided to do this? I avoid the stations with ads.

I hear what you’re saying and it makes sense. But I do not believe that my particular case was one of priming/manipulation/freq bias. The topic of conversation was too uncharacteristic, too random, and there were too many similar ads within moments. It was either a colossal coincidence or a breach in privacy.

I suppose it doesn’t matter. My phone is much more locked down now.

Something on stock Android phones is always listening though. I had a similar experience as OP where I had an IRL conversation once with my son about a product I don’t normally talk about. My phone was unused & “asleep” nearby. An hour later at work I was inundated with ads for said product all over the internet in my Chrome browser on my work computer. It was way too heavy handed to be a coincidence. The phone had listened to our conversation.

(That day marked the first on my journey to de-Google and take serious steps preserve my privacy online)

Surprised the rates of adblocking is so high! I thought it was a little more niche.

Also surprised that the article didn’t mention manifest v3 rolling out later this year to Chrimium-based browsers - which will effectively end adblocking in all browsers except Firefox.

Google isn’t stupid, they know that ad blocking undermines their business. And Google controls Chromium: the backbone of almost all browsers. So of course they’re going to engineer it to prevent ad blocking. It was only a matter of time.

I love the idea! $8.99 per month is a bit steep…

EDIT: Thinking more about the price, Mozilla is mostly funded by Google but this is a blatantly anti-advertising/anti-Google move. Mozilla must be trying to establish a new revenue stream to get themselves independent of Google. It’s a balls-y move!

If I’m correct in that thinking it does help justify the cost and put it in context.

Oh yeah? I didn’t know that. I’ll have to look into it, thanks!

  • Mull is similar to Fennec except with some privacy tweaks. Generally Mull is better.

  • You don’t need Ghostery anymore

Congratulations! That’s awesome! I’ve been Google-free for 2-3 years, but I haven’t been brave enough to finally delete Gmail. I keep worrying I might need the message history one day?

Regarding Maps: I use OrganicMaps as my main, & I reflex to Gmaps WV when something isn’t in OrganicMaps. I feel this is a reasonable privacy-friendly compromise.

Sorry, I meant “GitLab, why’d you do that!?”

(I’m a GitLab user myself)

TrackerControl gives app-level control. It’s FOSS & available on F-droid.

Multiple browser adblockers will also make your browser fingerprint more unique, which is undesirable for privacy reasons.

Same here. Is there a way to spoof a more generic fingerprint or something?

…and if you want to torrent then you need a respectable peer-to-peer VPN service like ProtonVPN

If you care about privacy and wanna use Windows… God help you…

You want Linux my friend

I’m on Ubuntu at work! The only employee on Linux at a tech company of >150 people! (Where are my Linux nerds?)

Can my girlfriend be pregnant if I kissed her?

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Ha ha ha ha!!!