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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Honestly, sometimes my best answer is “none of your business”. Its none of Google’s business what my hobbies are. The fact that there’s no “harm” in it is irrelevant. I want to be left alone, I should be able to without an advanced knowledge of cyber security.

As a “absolutely few apps as possible” person, I would be long gone if there was a working alternative.

I found Element with SMS bridges came close, but was never as reliable as I need.

The whole Linux client in general is pretty embarrassing. If I wasn’t already paying for email (and therefore VPN) I’d likely be buying Mullvad.

I like it, been a paid user for 4ish years now. The only complaint is that the way they develop/release/update their products is all over the place. Everything is soon™, they release entirely new products (Proton Pass) while their existing ones lack extremely basic features, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to whatever roadmap they’re working off of. The long term goal is clearly to make an everything ecosystem, but I’m not sure I want all my eggs in one company’s basket, even if it is Proton.

The important thing is their privacy/security, which I fully trust, more than any other provider. But boy howdy am I still waiting on some real basic features in some of their apps.

Lemmy isnt’t meant to be private, it’s a public forum. One should fully expect everything one posts to be seen by anyone. Assume Meta is using all your Lemmy posts to try and build a profile on you - be careful how much personal info you post.

Easiest by far is just an older car with no wireless capabilities whatsoever.

I hear tell its possible to find the wireless antennas and physically remove them from certain models. If you’re buying brand new, try to find a dealer that let’s you not have any wireless capabilities. No idea if that’s still possible these days…