Mostly a lurker. Abandoned Reddit before it was cool

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


There are a bunch. I’ll see if I can find the exhaustive list, but you can look for it by searching “Firefox disable telemetry flags about:config” on your search engine of choice.

FireFox does collect some data, even in incorgnito, and even if you opt out of optional data collection. Last time I checked, you had to change a hidden flag (about:config) to truly stop them from collecting all data (and they could technically re-enable it in future updates).

Not really, what it needs is a strong niche community with some reach

How does that interact with legal protections for reverse engineering at all?

What gave you the impression that the US is not classified as an authoritarian state?

It’s the age old political weapon of saying “but think of the children” before doing something horrible.

Also, when everyone else in your life isn’t private, neither are you.

Quick rule: Just remove all of the garbage after a “?” except what is directly following a “search=” or “query=” parameter.