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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 17, 2023


You said I’d be conducting the interview when I walked in here. Now, exactly how much pot did you smoke?

Yes, and I obviously don’t have a Twitter account, so what’s your point?

Twitter, without an account, is pretty much unusable. It doesn’t show you follow-up tweets or replies, and sometimes no tweets at all. The choice isn’t “do I access tweets using this or Twitter”, it’s “do I access tweets with this or not at all”. If there’s useful information in a tweet, I don’t have a problem using this service, even if it logs my IP - that’s a pretty normal thing for any service that is big enough to e.g. need rate limiting.

Makes sense. It does leave the MitM option open as you said, but if they did something nefarious here, it would have long been seen in at least a couple of cases due to OOB verification.

The E2E keys are exchanged over Meta servers, right? Couldn’t they just store the keys and decrypt on the server?

In generative AIs LoRAs are “Low-Rank Adaptions”. Basically an overlay for existing networks to teach them new things.