Like you, I am a living person with memories, emotions, and interests. But from your perspective, I’m just another picture on a screen. Isn’t that concerning?

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I’ve mentioned it a few times, but I don’t like coming off as some sort of salesman lol. But waterfox is my go to. They, imo, seem to feel like the last browser left making logical choices out of box.

It was never mentioned by name, only being referred to by apple as “being state-sponsored”. They also do openly mention Israel in connection with NSO Pegasus though.

Worth noting: the warning originally had a direct mention that the attack was from a surveilling government, but they removed that part after being asked.

well, i moreso meant dealing with online scammers.

The only real option in this case would be to use an unregulated wallet through person-to-person exchanges which would inherently carry more risks than a normal regulated market. Not my area of expertise however so I’m not sure where you’d start, sorry.

I’ve supported mullvad and I also try to support my Lemmy instance where I can.