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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Brave is (or at least, was) a good browser technically (as good as any Chromium implementation), at least while it still has the ability to turn off their crypto crap, the proxy/vpn integration and run a “clean” version, but I highly doubt those options will remain forever the way their wankbag of a CEO seems to want to go with it, he can not be trusted.

So no I cant say I trust them anymore, they will make money from you, in increasingly devious ways.

There are many, many better “Clean” browsers out there like Librewolf that are a better way to go.

yea they don’t mask your purchases, though it would be nice for that to be a more easily available service.

I do like that my banks app automatically categorises things based on those descriptions so I can get analytics on my own purchases to keep track of spending, but sometimes you just want to mask a purchase without having to go through something like PayPal.