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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 29, 2021


I mean why not. Having the Email provider automatically telling you that your E-Mail was found in a leak is really nice. Not everyone knows haveibeenpwned

What the fuck? Where are you from? That would be illegal in germany. If you don’t want to be in the internet, they can’t just force you.

Ups ich habe nur Reznik gesehen und wusste dass er Deutscher ist. Habe voll übersehen wo wir hier eigentlich sind. War ausversehn.

Exakt denselben witz habe ich auf dem Zwietracht von Proton-GE auch gemacht haha

Lass uns schütteln die Hände

Yes true. Ice is an non liquid object. So if you have a thin layer of still liquid water on the ice then the Ice is wet.

Sadly the people here dont seem to know this copy pasta. I got downvotes.

Where is the good old water is not wet bot from reddit times when we need him.

Water is actually not wet. It only makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the ability of a liquid to adhere to the surface of a solid. So if you say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the surface of the object

Oh you mean literally the source I said in the comment above.

Tell me any other more offical way to optain Signal on fedora. Signal only provides .deb files. Flathub is my only option.

There is nothing more that I hate then typing on my Phone. I can’t life without Signal Desktop.

Its not a problem with the Android App.

Im not getting spam. I never said that I get spam. But ok.

As far as I know, it’s just some sex hotline I found online. Nothing on the website said it’s for Gay people. So I guess you just tried to insult me with “gay” by asking if it’s my Gay agency. xD Do you actually think that “gay” is an insult? Jokes on you, I’m Bisexual. So I’m half gay, now what? xD Insulting someone with “gay” in 2023. Man, you are really fucking cringe. Try to get some actual insults. 4th graders insult better than you, maybe ask them.

Nope. And I maybe had to add (did it now) that this only appears to be a problem with Signal Desktop. My signal app on android doesn’t even show other contacts from strangers. I will update this if I get a response, of course.

The video proof. It also shows the OS and Steps to reproduce. How I obtained Signal: Flathub Signal Version: 6.38.0 OS Settings: Nothing relevant.

I already made a bug report on Signal’s Website. Wouldn’t that be a duplicate.

The bug report forum from Signal doesn’t give you any link.

No, they are not. I’m in two groups. None of them are in the groups. I only use Signal for Real life friends from my Country. I never joined any random group. These people are from all over the world.

This is a totally different thing, and I also don’t get what the problem of this user is. He wants to share a picture and then just like on android the list of your recent chats opens where of course the pofilepic shows to know where you want to send it to, and he somehow doesn’t want the profile pic to be there even tho this is totally normal behavior from android and iOS since… always? Or do I misunderstand his problem because I don’t use iOS? Well the most important part, it doesn’t sound like my problem at all.

I just followed his link and submitted my report. Don’t have any link.

56 different numbers from all over the world, and all of them are actually real and have signal? I doubt I accidentally do something like this haha :)

Yea, of course I just call some random number. I talked to them for a couple of hours. Really nice guy. We will meet tomorrow to chill at his place.

Thanks for the Link. I submitted a report.

I just counted. Signal leaked 56 random people to me.

When I press on some message to forward it, it shows me Random usernames of contacts I don't know. And it even shows some Mobile Numbers I don't know. For example, one number starts with +964 that's Iraq. I'm from Europe tho. These contacts and numbers are from all over the place. Edit: This only happens on Signal Desktop. If I try to forward a message on Android it only shows my Contacts. And none of these unkown ones.

Yea I posted the same screenshot already.

Mate is clicking the link in the wrong angle.

I was just thinking, maybe this is a point you can bring up to friends that this concept is much more normal in the EU. I mean as long as they are not utterly racist they cant call an entire continent Terrorist or anything, right? Maybe it kinda brings in some new perspective. I don’t know.

What kind of friends do you have? I was able to explain my decision for privacy to my friends and they understood my choice. They still don’t care them self but no one is calling me weird names. They fully understand me. They are just to lazy to give up the luxury from google etc.

But maybe that’s because I’m from Germany. Here the concept of privacy is something most people like, at least in real life and in untechnical situations. I think they just don’t understand enough about tech to understand that it pretty much has the same importance as the Real Life when it comes to maintaining your privacy.

Anyways. I will probably join.

Edit: Link is not working. Screenshot_20231110-004149_Element

What is this stupid website. Cant open it because they have banned my IP. Why the fuck do they ban MullvadVPN servers?