Eikichi [Any] ⏚ 🇵🇸

My PoV to understand me :
Capitalism == Fascism

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


i did create an account on bandcamp but just in case you know,
I Dont want to promote something i dont like

Nice, good to know :)

Its more for sharing music without having a public vps actually.

But I still like thus kind of things, thanks for the share ! :)

I save it

perfect ty vm, i will look at that, 😍 ,
its for share my progress on guitar :)

thanks for the share, its saved,

However i would prefer an service instead of self-hosted solution, but i steel keep it just in case :D

yeah clearly, if that come to exist, i will do my own instance on a vps for sure xD.

BandCamp, SoundClound, what to use ?
Hey there, Like the title say, what can i use to share music/creations in simplicity ? My needs : - dont need the remuneration or being paid - listening on the web browser is an cool feature - accept audio with no loses - respect peoples, let us manage the licences instead of, What do you use to share files ? Is there something for music, based on activity pub ? It would be great. I did an account on BandCamp, but just read about the "drama", F it.

thats clearly an risk, they can use this to determine what they want to see.

Who really does hope something from the "DnT" >While the ruling against LinkedIn is a welcome development, I'm skeptical it will truly move the needle on respecting user privacy. Do Not Track has been around for years, yet sites continue ignoring it without consequence. This case may set a precedent, but it's one isolated judgment in Germany.

Chivalry and disco on steam is around 45€ if im not wrong. Thats an really good offer




But I like GIMP,
Not ez at start but its worth the investment to learn the basics,