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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


Had issues like that from time to time, when graphics drivers got borked during the update/did not exist for the new kernel.

solution was allways to either remove the drivers and reinstall them or rollback to an earlier snapshot and wait a week.

it’s intrusive anti-cheat-software operating on a system level where it could be a viable attack vector. thats what sucks.

what also sucks: this will make one of the most played games in existence unplayable on linux. and only so riot looks like taking a problem serious, that is probably much smaller than people think.

other than that: mobas absolutely require mechanical skills, that cheats could assist you with. there impact might not be as obvious as an incredible high hesdshot rate, but being able to consistently last hit creeps will give an ever increasing advantage over your opponent, canceling certain animations will increase the damge you are able to dish out over a given time frame and seeing the trajectory projectiles will follow makes them easier to dodge.

hell just supplying more information than the standard ui can be a huge advantage: knowing what your opponets buy, or invest there leve ups in all the time, displaying their cooldowns and stuff like that.

Eh, if i wanted to i could scrape various instances and do whatever i want. The question is would i be able to pin information to identities without the accompanying meta data or would i only get a big text corpus.

The benefit of the fediverse is that no instance can sell the whole package, because most instances only have the posts of most users and nothing more. Reddit has way more additional data that can be used to track and identify someone.

No, the right to be forgotten is about data that can be used to identify you stored by a service provider. It’s not a right to have every record on the internet purged.

I guess you could force Instances one by one to forget you, but a single provider only has to make sure they deleted the data they stored.