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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Oh no. a game I haven’t heard of isn’t going to play nicely on the deck, I guess I’ll go back to my mountain of compatible games…

Sounds like it has forced multiplayer components always /yuck

You don’t have to be the most private, just don’t draw the most attention…

Big data is an unfortunate cost of society.

I feel like there are instances where if you’re watching a video before it’s hit the algorithm there might be curiosity as to why you know about something happening…

Are you an ambassador or dignitary? No? Don’t worry about crap, take the same precautions you’d take when visiting any other place you’re not commonly in. The United States isn’t a hell hole, despite what libertarians like to fantasize.

Bought it day 1, after having sunk dozens of hours into the free demo.

It’s exceeded my expectations in every way.

I only wish they’d done a public beta with the fire character, as the balance doesn’t seem to be quite there, and the community would’ve helped find some of the more obscure op builds for them.

Sounds like he wants to air that he’s willing to not sleep well for the sake of… People not knowing he doesn’t sleep well… I’m not losing any sleep over this, I hope Mr. “People can’t know I don’t sleep well” doesn’t either.

Also the idea of privacy while posting to a public forum. Er but by the grace of god go I.

No, there’s no such thing as breaking encryption, they’re trying to outlaw, or require back doors for strong encryption. Outside of a quantum computing miracle expansion, there’s no breaking strong encryption.

3 bucks a month to split a family plan, I’ve got my brother, my wife’s brother, her parents, my parents, and she and I usually stream from the same account at the same time, so idk if there are any restrictions to how many people can be on the same family plan.

I know prices might go up at some point, but right now it’s dirt cheap.

Still paying for YouTube premium and not playing the victim card? Having access to more on demand, ad free, content than teenage me (with direct tv 200+channels) could ever dream of. Still finding new things to enjoy once and swear to rewatch some day but always finding too much new stuff?

I only worry about bad actors targeting people and having their works removed. In a world of deep fakes and social engineering attacks, back up your data and don’t trust any company to do right by you, or the laws.