Mostly harmless

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Cool. I’m a dude and pretty old, though. Having a baby might be a bit of a problem.

If you mainly play Steam games, Mint will do the job just fine. Just install Steam and you’re good to go. No tinkering required.

If God didn’t want me to shag my laptop, why did he make it so damn sexy?

You can just install Steam Link on your media center PC. It’s in the Mint repo.

It’s great when it works. I tried to install VSCodium from flatpak the other day and that was not a good experience at all.

Thanks. My company had lots of Lenovo devices. I wonder if they’re aware of this stuff.

I really didn’t mean to try to tell you what to play, sorry if it came across like that. Play whatever makes you happy. But Valorant is definitely available for the Steam Deck, I saw it in the store many times.

Valorant is Steam Deck verified so I’d assume it’ll work on any machine through Steam. But yeah, I’d go home and rethink my gaming preferences, if i were you. And no, you don’t want to sell me death sticks.