• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


Seems like the best solution for my needs. Thank you!

Backups are definitely a task I have been sleeping on. I will set that up.

Thank you! I have been looking at Fedora Silverblue and ran it for a couple weeks. My only issue is that sometimes I need programs that only got .deb files, and they are meant to run on Ubuntu not debian.

I have found happiness on Pop!_OS.

I am really keen on Lutris. Nothing beats it for downloading GOG games, not even the galaxy launcher.

Okay, fleek is looking like everything I need to be happy. Learning about devbox made me excited too.

Damn, I am about ready to start doing some actual work, hah. Get back to programming actually start making things.

No, Silverblue + distrobox is enough for me. Fleek will probably help solve some of my package edge cases I have been struggling to resolve.

Computing is fun.

I super appreciate all of the tips! I thought I was good installing Bazzite with a fresh install using an ISO, made sure to pick the NVIDIA option… it just failed to load the drivers, and showed a gray screen switching to open drivers. I know what I am not buying when I uprade in like 5 years.

That usb become necessary.

Anyways, before falling unconsious (finally going to sleep… and waking up early damn) I played with NixOS in a VM. I have sooooo much to learn… so I think I will just install the package manager, and gorge on the cake I get to keep.

You may be happy, or perhaps dismayed, to learn that I finally installed Bazzite on my desktop.

I did a bit tonne of sampling, with BlendOS and Vanilla, trying things out, but Fedora wins.

I have Fedora Silverblue on a usb in case Bazzite does not like my computer, but I think I have done enough hopping for a lifetime.

I swear I will just jump onto the NIXOS (or guix) bandwagon if I ever decide to switch again.

Not yet! I was surprised that home directory is shared across containers, but it makes sense when the system is the problem, not the files in home. Still, it is nifty to keep certain environments separated.

Thank you for your feedback! I am learning a lot. This is the first time I have run into issues where I was not tempted to abandon ship and go back to what works. I actually care about this system and want it to succeed. I think this is a super cool path forward.

The only other time I felt this interested in a new paradigm of linux was GoboLinux with its compartmentalized installation of programs, so you can have every version you need, but I got confused with the recipe system and I don’t know if it is still active.

One problem I had is that I was trying to download an image for linux mint, because it gives me access to PPAs without needing to use SNAP due to Ubuntu, but I could not get an image to download, no matter what combination of linux + mint + version I used. I finally realized I could search podman, now I can go forward!

I think I am using Wayland since that is the default.

Also, I once made the mistake of running on DX11, which was worse.

Also, what is nice about this somewhat failed experiment is that it was easy to just rm the container and everything went with it.

Yeah, I am not going back to regular linux.

So it turns out, I cannot use my NVIDIA card using distrobox. I guess it only works with AMD?

Anyways, gaming using Bazzite is a dead end for me. I still find Fedora Silverblue super fun to use, and I think I will just run Steam + Lutris using Flatpaks. I was wondering if distrobox would somehow allow better performance, but I don’t understand the technology well enough to even make those presumption. I see that this image is used a lot on Steam Deck, which I also don’t understand why (as opposed to having everything native).

Anyways, I can still game well on Silverblue. Baldur’s Gate 3 runs okay. So, that means I am fine, hah!

The only gripe I have, which is just my stupidity, is that I have way of using Mozilla VPN. I tried to run it on an Ubuntu container, but I must be doing something wrong because it does not launch. Maybe I need to look into podman more closely, or maybe I am missing some graphical dependencies that is assumed to exist on a DE. I shall keep trying.

Honestly, it is making my like using linux more. Flatpak made not having the app I wanted available and up to date, distrobox allows me to use a distro that has it up to date natively. Nothing is more dope than that. Except nature? But for computing, I adore it.

That would be so fun I am buzzing with excitement. I am not talking facetiously either. I am out in the cold as I type this, happy and quivering.

I cannot wait to get home and try it out!

Gaming on Fedora Silverblue
I am freaking out on how well distrobox is working for me. I buy a lot of games on itch.io and GOG, and neither have a flatpak. However, installing an Ubuntu container (max compatibility) and launching games from there just works. Okay, I have yet to install a GOG game, but it the Itch client works then what won't? I am so excited. Containers are so fun. I guess arch would be easier, but whatevs.

Thank you for the advice. I know the data is my responsibility… so I need a better system.

Thank you! I will check those out.

I absolutely have old capbable computers I need to put to work.

Thank you for the reply! Nextcloud seems like the way to go, and it has a client for everything which is nice.

I need to learn how to host things. The pricing is reasonable though, but I am not a business, but I will see.

I like OneDrive, but I no doubt there is a FOSS solution. I just need to look into a hosting provider I guess.

Help Me Come Back to the Light…
TL;DR I am using Windows and I want help setting up all the conveniences I enjoyed back into Linux... specifically an alternative to OneDrive. I am going to admit something that is strange and maybe evil... at the least it betrays a loss of integrity and deficit of dignitity. For the past few months I have been using Microsoft Windows as my OS. It started with finally deciding to play with AI and turning on the features on my phone... which meant turning on Google Play Services... not necessary, but it is what I did. Then I randomly bought some tiny Livaa PC to mess around with that came with Windows, so I got comfy with that. As a student, I must use Microsoft Word because as much as Libre Office tries it just mangles the formatting. So, I discovered Office 365 and how it is easily accessible in the Edge Browser... plus Bing AI. One day I just thought fuck it, I want to use all the music software, play all the games. I want to use my graphics card without needing to think. I want all the harware I bought to work. So I installed Windows. I use OneDrive. I ask Bing, and Bard, and Opera AI... Well, I pay for Kagi because it is better. .... Anyways, I think I had my fun. I want to go back. I need to, it is potentially immoral not to. Please help me transition back!

In principle, anthropologically speaking, the depth and breadth of data that has been collected is at its face outstanding and valuable. The full range of human experience is documented. What can be learned if it were studied would perhaps help save the world.

Unfortunately, that “public” data is only available to the companies that harvest and buy it, not to the world at large. Not unless you are already in the shit that is collecting information on you

To echo what other people have said, any benefits of public data is immediately squashed by the heinous abuse of power that comes from not protecting privacy.

Information is freely given by those who care about the world and want to see it improve. No need to take away human rights for that.