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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Apr 22, 2024


Interesting sales tactic, but that still makes this post basically a giant advertisement. Also LOL @ them being butthurt they couldn’t make a living off of this a few years ago so they got mad and put it away.

It’s so weird seeing just how much of the internet has transitioned into the “Fuck you, pay me” model.

So how long until our options in dodging the endless waves of shitty ads have completely gone? Sure, there might not be indication of it now, but it’s probably a safe bet that Mozilla will try and pull some of the same shit Brave did in regards to ads/adblocking.

Thank fuck the internet as a whole is getting so shitty to the point it encourages us to go do something else. Turns out that avoiding the internet as a whole results in feeling a hell of a lot better about things in general.