
Pickle Pincher

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Oct 15, 2023


Your drivers license has a picture.

Yes, and per the definition, this is not a biometric. Or is there some way around this?

There was an article a few days ago about the Western world moving to universal digital IDs verified with biometrics to replace passports and that is quite significantly different than a picture I took 4 years ago on a bad hair day pre COVID.

eventually the feds will require your biometrics to even get a driver’s license, so it will explicitly be the law that that information be openly accessible (or at least verifiable) for you to even reasonably exist (the alternative is to not drive or be able to access any services which require ID).

laptop bios updates are usually .exe files if the stock build ships with wendoze on it. I don’t make the rules unfortunately. you have an old dell or lenovo that you converted to a linux machine, you have to deal with the devil occasionally.

just run windows to go off a pendrive and you don’t have to worry about it stinking up your default drive and taking up valuable space.

mine as well:

Added support for virtual reality displays, such as the SteamVR platform, on Wayland compositors that support DRM leasing.

it’s getting to the point now where I may only need to boot into wendoze from a pendrive to install BIOS updates

Get Freetube, it’s FOSSome, you don’t even need a Google account to subscribe. All content and history is local on your machine, it just pulls the feed from the channels you ask it to. No ads, no tracking, Linux client available, you can even skip sponsor chapters and download videos right from the native client app.