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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 13, 2023


Not too many, I’m pretty rural so there is no sidewalk, high speed limits, and assholes. The times I have walked on the road people have nearly hit me, thrown things, and just made it not safe.

Yeah, I live in the southeast US, outside is not exactly comfortable for walking and there are not many good options closer than the gym. I go to the gym where I can spend more time on the treadmill than I would be willing to spend outside.

I appreciate how Valve does this. They ask, they let you know how its used, its not associated with individual accounts, you can view the info submitted before it gets submitted.

Sorry, I haven’t messed with node much and I don’t have a 360 controller to test anymore :(

I remember looking around when I found my old one in a box. I didn’t get it to work but I’m sure it’s possible.

I experienced this with Boulders Gate 3. Shader caching window popped up and 20 minutes later it was at 5%. I haven’t tried again since them because it’s running fine on my desktop.