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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


If it’s unremoveable its probably been installed from the beginning.

You should be able to play genshin on Linux - the workaround launcher still exists and arweanticheat says they unintentionally fixed it - I can’t confirm this though

That mechanism only happens after you connect to it, you have to connect to the wifi in order to download the certificate to connect. And it doesn’t apply to all open WI-FI. A someone can still spoof the wifi. The fun part is when they set up their own false “I agree to the usage” pop up page that just steals your data - standardised systems like this are easily spoofed, especially when it comes to open and insecure wifi. They could even send you a bogus certificate that routes all the traffic through their gateway, allowing them to spy on the secure connections.

Never trust an open network. Even if the company providing isn’t doing anything shady, the easy at which MITM (man in the middle) attacked, can be performed means that many insecure (and some secure) networks can be spoofed with a small amount of know-how.

Always make sure your connecting to a safe, secure wifi network, in a place where you expect that network to exist at.

If your phone connects in a place you wouldn’t expect it to connect, double check what it’s connecting to, and if necessary, disable your wifi.

So alongside the part about mulitimc that StarDreamer said regarding the AUR and packaging attacks.

After the fork to PolyMC the maintainer of PolyMC decided to make it political. He was trying his best to prevent a specific clarification to an inclusivity clause in its contributors guidelines or whatever it’s called. (From “everyone” to something along the lines of “everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation and preference”) A huge argument broke out, and he went full right wing and just kicked all the opposing people off the project, spitting right wing “wokeism” rhetoric the whole time.

People realised what was happening and left the project for prism launcher with a new maintainer who had been kicked as a result of the maintainers rampage and need to make it intensely political over what was essentially a minor issue: wether or not to clarify the word “everyone”

As someone who was watching from the sidelines, It really was a circus in both the mulitimc and the PolyMC cases.

That one is pretty much dead due to a hostile takeover. People moved to polymc, the after the Dev went crazy and alienated people, they moved to prism launcher. That’s where theajority of the Multi/PolyMC Devs are now.