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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Jan 26, 2021


The conclusion is that they are basically the same except for in cases where vrr is a factor. In those cases kde is better because gnome doesn’t currently support vrr.

Privacy is important everywhere, people most often answer this question regarding digital privacy, but think about in your everyday life. For example, I just bought a house. Buying a house is public record here in the states. The moment you buy a house companies will grab that data and then start trying to sell you services. They will use the name of the bank that you took out a loan with, they know your loan number, loan type, loan amount, full name and address. They will do everything to misrepresent who they are as if they come from the bank that holds your loan to sign you up for some service you most likely don’t want or don’t need. Older people fall for it all the time. Digitally it just gets worse.

I’m just waiting for linux phones to be as viable as linux on the desktop, which I already use. I’ll take whatever drawbacks come with that decision.