• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 27, 2023


Unfortunately Mull does not have it’s own WebView implementation. I believe Bromite/Cromite and Vanadium have their own, but your phone has to be rooted to change your default WebView.

You just have to download it from the AUR and compile it. Then Garuda makes it super easy to pick your kernel in the boot settings.

Yeah I have been and am super excited to get into it once I upgrade my homeserver, but my issue is the hardware devices. The ease of speaking into the void to set timers and get news, the intuitive Ring camera that automatically sends push notifications on movement detection. Idk how to replace these.

Tbh I’m not sure out of the box. But I’d like to avoid Amazon as much as possible and I have to assume tinkering around and disabling telemetry and using a VPN etc. will be easier on the Shield.

Private Alternative to Amazon IoT (FireTV, Alexa, Ring)
Before embarking on my privacy journey, I setup a very basic IoT of all Amazon products - FireTV, several Alexa Echos, and a Ring doorbell camera. Now I am desperately trying to find an affordable replacement for them. I am planning on buying the Nvidia Shield TV to replace FireTV and open to suggestions, but I'm unsure about the others. FOSS would be great too, though I don't think I can go full hog and build my own devices. The only FOSS, privacy-centric Echo alternative I know of is the NeonAI Mycroft Mark II, but this is $400 per unit. Since this would be a fortune just to put one in each room, I'm wondering if anything else more reasonable has emerged yet. As for the Ring doorbell, I've seen various recommendations for Arlo, Eufy, and Ubiquiti/Unify, but I can't tell if any are actually much better than Ring in terms of privacy and security, especially for the steeper prices. Would love to know the community favorites. Thanks in advance for the help!

What exactly makes it better than SearxNG?

whoops im drunk thinkin of Mullvad Browser

Mull browser isn’t on F-Droid?

Just use Matrix/Element or Session or Briar or Jami or Threema lol

What instances are you using? Because I have little to no issue with my self-hosted one.

piped.kavin.rocks or Freetube on PC, Yattee on iOS, Libretube on Android, SmartTubeNext on TV

I know it’s at least supported on Tumbleweed because I use it

If they support IPv6, port forwarding, and gigabit speeds, I’m basically sold. Though according to r/VPNTorrents, their no-logging policy has not been battle-tested and certified in courts or audits. Do you know if that is still the case?

Ah yeah that rules out Njalla then. Did Azire literally just come out? I’m having trouble even finding much on it other than a couple pretty negative “give it a year or two” reviews and some very spammy shill behavior on Reddit.

Yep they did around May and then IVPN followed suit in June

Only 400Mbps? Damn I’m just under 1000Mbps with PIA right now…

I’ve never heard of Njalla, but seems like their port forwarding is pretty limited. AzireVPN sounds good on paper, but I just haven’t seen or heard nearly as much about it.

I would very much like it. I just upgraded to gigabit internet so I’m trying to accomplish the trifecta of Cat6 cables, Wifi6 capability, and IPv6 functionality.

Yeah that seems like the only option according to r/VPNTorrents’ Recommended VPNs. Do you get good speeds? I just upgraded to gigabit and would hate to lose out.

I already use the free mail service and it is tempting to buy into the entire suite, but I would rather not keep all my eggs in one basket and preferably separate them as much as possible. Not sure I’d like my email tied to my VPN activities!

If I remember correctly, they’ve been purchased by a less than reputable advertising company and potentially keep logs. Plus they do not support IPv6 as far as I can tell.

Use Mull – it’s like LibreWolf, for your phone

Best VPN with IPv6 & Port Forwarding
Are there any VPNs that support both IPv6 AND Port Forwarding (PF) and if so, what is the best one for privacy and security? I know Mullvad is #1 right now and supports IPv6 but not PF. So what about others like OVPN, AirVPN, Windscribe, IVPN, etc.? I have PIA right now and am eager to switch.

I go for the best of both and use the Nobara kernel in Garuda

I don’t use the full distro but I do run the kernel in Garuda and it works like a charm. As others have said, the developer, GloriousEggroll, is super trustworthy as he develops the GE-Proton compatibility package. Plus you can never really go wrong with Fedora.