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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Oh I know. It is your call. I’ve not seen much evidence of tutanova/proton Lemmy adverts. This service is quite new in comparison and there is clearly some astroturfing on lemmy. We don’t know how good or bad they are tbh. The fact they are pushing it rather than relying on word of mouth is a little sketchy.

Whether it is deleted or not, I’ll at least call out advertising so people are aware rather than being led to believe it is recommended.

We don’t know what it is, but there is history on Lemmy of them listing out every feature, asking I’d anyone used it as they didn’t. Why woupd anyone do that? More blatant in the past, but worth being on guard against them.

Plus advertising e2e encrypted emaill which is impossible unless recipient is same service.

Probably an ad, but much more subtle if so. The old ones were so blatant. :)

What makes you do it with a smile? What does it give you that proton or tutanota doesn’t?

Is google needed? Could a mail alternative like proton mail be better?

By browsers do you mean search engines in the browsers? I use DDG for search. Firefox is king, browsers wise.

It is closed but not necessarily bad. It was rated highly on the Mozilla Privacy Not Included.

Well, I don’t really want to install Facebook spyware on my phone. Signal was made by the guy that designed the encryption used on top apps (if they haven’t circumvented that to spy on you yet).

If one of their relatives had cancer, it would be belittling that experience. I would not do that unless I wanted to be a dick.

Try to give a name and model. An interesting privacy suggestion on a non privacy respecting website means folk are forced to click it.

Proton mail have a cloud storage facility. It is limited amount without a paid subscription though.

“I also know that they had some shady decisions in the past.” I am assuming this is a reference to responding to a legal order to hand over details for a user. Any company would have to do the same. The problem is with the law, not the company.

Have you considered Proton Mail? It’s by folk from CERN in Switzerland. So non-5 eyes. It’s a very solid and reliable email service.

Exemption for MPs. If it is fine, why are they making exceptions for themselves?!

I’m sure they do, but this feels like 1% of 1% of users. To trash an email client that will be vastly superior to most for a ridiculously niche case even amongst nerds is a bit weird.

Ah, I would favour Signal to Telegram as it has privacy and shared media. In Signal, on a chat, clicking … and All media, you can do that. I can imagine Matrix hasn’t got that level of maturity yet but I haven’t tested.

The first 3 are real meh for me. Mirroring I can imagine is useful in some contexts though. I personally don’t need that as much as privacy :).

Is it me or a lot of the responses here a little bot like. Looks like anorchestrated discreditation campaign.

What percentage of users actually need GPG encryption? If they really need it, they can find services to do it on.

What like? What is a better feature than privacy?

It’s here in the UK, not sure about elsewhere, but a sort of standard for exposing financial data to 3rd party providers of apps etc. I don’t know too much about it, but linking my banking to other services didn’t sit well with me.

Probably worth moving your e-commerce sites off your google, outlook etc. Proton mail would be good. I don’t use open banking. Everything is debit card.

Point taken on the founder running a social network. I incorrectly remembered it as the Brave owner. I stand corrected.

I think the complexity with DDG is they had a deal with MS because of Bing and I think some of the terms meant they had certain restrictions. They renegotiated that and it is no longer an issue.

You were comfortable with the whole BAT crypto nonsense? You’re comfortable with Google dictating standards in their browser by using Chrome?

Trust is definitely hard in the search market :).

“Baby’s first threat model” is a little patronising. The specifically asked about Pixel and de-googling and your response is virtually “you know nothing child, go with apple”.

I don’t trust companies, generally. I tend to trust open source software that is quite well known, as security/privacy by obfuscation is a poor model. If people can see the code, and scrutinise it, they’ll find the nasties generally.

By leading, you were asking weird question so only you could get the answer you wanted, and some were weird. Have to tie yourself in some real logical knots to get there.

Finally, no one mentioned second hand hardware. A few years old point I suspect was intended to mean not the newest model. I bought a 6a pixel when the 7 was out. It was £299. It was a good price for quality hardware that could be de-googled.

They ended up not doing it after the anger. If they could get away with it, they would have. If they didn’t go ahead with it anyway, then the legal argument looking really shaky.

The last part of your post was a little weird to comprehend, a lot of weird leading the witness sort of questions. You can throw hundreds at me, but I’ll give you the only ones that matters…

Do I trust them? No. Do I want to give them my money and activity? No.

I use DDG. I read here that start page had been taken over by an advertising company, and Brave always felt dodgy from day 1, weird crypto stuff and I think the owners previous company may have sold users data.

I think DDG is the best we have right now.

Authoritarianism is on the rise atm.

I think I saw after initial anger, they were saying things were calming down. Maybe they don’t want to let it. Maybe they want to expand state operations.

I try to avoid everything with an extra battery on environmental grounds. Wires for headphone, keyboard and mouse.

I absolutely don’t care what the everyday jack says. Most have been conditioned by their brands. Apple customers will not just accept their decisions, but passionately advocate for them. Samsung will copy Apple and their users will justify it based on that.

This transition was supply led, not demand led.

The main ones for me were looking at big tech companies, and getting away from it. Getting away from Facebook, Twitter. WhatsApp -> Signal + Text message. Finding an alternative email provider (proton mail, but not fully migrated). I got myself a Pixel 6a and installed GrapheneOS on it as I wasn’t comfortable on Android any more.

It is a process, and takes time. It’s about understanding the risks, and what you care about, and taking steps to migrate.

Just because you use it daily, does it really mean it’s critical? A bank card can just as easily be tapped, and it’s so more satisfying knowing your private data isn’t leaking as much.

I used to use Reddit daily ;).

Headphone jack getting less popular? I’m pretty sure companies don’t want to include it so removed it from the models and the consumers had to buy that. Consumers aren’t choosing not to have them, they’re choosing phones that don’t have them because Apple and other big companies aren’t giving them a choice.

The problem with the iphone, is that Apple has shown it’s true colours in recent years. Scanning cloud documents etc under the guise of finding CSAM. Privacy to apple is an advertising slogan and it isn’t as private as you’d expect.

Depends on budget I guess. I went for 6A which was the cheaper model from last year after the 7 was out. I got mine for £299. The older models always drop, getting them around the time new ones comes out is really quite good value. I’ve not noticed any real performance issues. It’s been a good step up from my old phone. I realised it was probably better to buy the lesser model a year old more frequently than buy brand new models for at least twice that. This was after my last 2 being top of the range Android phones. It depends on budget and what you’re comfortable with.

It is also worth buying outright rather than contract, as to install GrapheneOS you need to be able to unlock and lock the bootloader and on come contract phones, they interfere with that.

I haven’t really needed to yet, but I think I’d probably look for OSmand (sp?) on F-droid. It uses Open Street Maps.

Edit: seems they have a few anti features. Maybe I’d just use browser and apple maps in a bind.

Yes, I have a Pixel 6a, and have installed GrapheneOS on it. It does what I need and I enjoy the extra privacy. Would recommend.

It is better than what we have. Not ideal, but best to assume there is always the risk of people watching and knowing your activity.

Good to see enforcememt but I fear this is loose change to them and they simply will not care.

Edit: oh, against companies. Could be a firm warning!