Hello, my name is Cris. :)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Fair honestly, I’m more or less in the same boat 😅

Someone forked the project (made a copy and started making updates and improvements to the copy independent of the original developer) and I installed it directly from the forked github repo, where it was getting updates. But they didn’t rename it until they published it on f-droid, so the app still showed up as openboard on my phone, just a newer version than the one available on f-droid

I had the same problem using droid-ify until I uninstalled openboard for some reason. (Technically I uninstalled the fork that has since turned into helibord, but it was called open board also before they renamed it for f-droid release, so it still showed up as open board in droid-ify, just a newer version)

It did show up in the normal f-droid app for me though

You’re very welcome ❤️ I think understanding why things are the way they are is important if we want any agency over it, I always appreciate folks who share their material knowledge of a subject

Hope you have a good one man, take care :)

Despite the down voters I appreciate you sharing the context about USA law around ADAS. Not a fan of this, but understanding how we got to a place where cars have this kind of privacy violation baked in is helpful