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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2020


I think most orgs would want to own the server and for messages to not be end-to-end encrypted. All connections to the server would still be encrypted.

That would be more in-line with slack or something.

If you’re referring to federation specifically then that’s going to get pretty complicated with security policies.

Sounds like it’s not really a downgrade, but just an unreleased beta or test build? That seems a little less sketchy, and maybe it’ll be generally released at some point.

I’ve been using orgzly for years and this is the first I’ve heard of revived. Looks promising.

GrapheneOS + Pixel phone is the only true option if you want any kind of ensure that even of the device is lost your data won’t be accessed.

I think that’s an exaggeration. You don’t need secure boot for your data to be encrypted. What secure boot prevents is someone modifying the device without your knowledge (e.g. to capture your keys).

The game overlay stuff is all just noise, so I think it’s only the last line (missing libcef.so) that’s a problem. Maybe you could share the contents of the shell script, and the output of readelf -d [path to]/LifeIsStrange (i.e. the actual elf), ldd on the same elf, and see if there’s a copy of libcef.so anywhere in the game files?

I’m not sure if libcef (embedded chrome) is meant to be loaded from the steam runtime, from the game files, or from the system. My guess is it can be fixed by altering LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the game’s shell script.

I just tried the latest version on my steam deck and it launches okay without overriding the proton version.

I’d run steam in a terminal and collect the output after you press play. I’m happy to take a look if you post it here.

I’m not sure if the game supports more than one of vulkan/d3d11/d3d12, but those might have different CPU performance. Also you seem to be stuck on an old version of proton. If there’s any way to get it working on something newer that might help.

I don’t have the game go test, although I’ve been meaning to give it a try…

It sounds to me like it’s limited by CPU single-thread performance, which isn’t suprising at those frame rates. Looking at overall CPU usage doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s likely that some threads on your CPU are active 100% of the time.

You may have some headroom on GPU performance, so you could try increasing quality in a way that isn’t likely to impact CPU performance. I’m not sure what options the game has, but some good candidates would be: rendering resolution, texture resolution, anisotropic filtering. If you can do that, and it increases GPU use without dropping overall performance, it more or less confirms the CPU bottleneck.