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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Nov 11, 2020


I would hardly consider high refresh rate monitors to be exotic. They’re quite common.

I wonder what distros they tried though. Considering this is a thread on Nobara I wouldn’t be surprised if they had issues with the variety of gaming distros available

My sweet summer child, I will see you in 5 years when Valorant cheating is as bad as CS:GO cheating at its peak.

Kernel AC circumventation will only improve, as there’s many cheaters putting money in this technology. In 5 years this stuff will be commonplace and mean that these solutions will be ineffective.

Why is this getting down voted? It’s a genuine ask for help :/

So THIS is why teams doesn’t work for me on Firefox anymore, Jesus. Welp, I can spoof my user string

It’s really no better on NVIDIA, in fact its much worse since async reprojection likes to break more often on NVIDIA for some reason, VR in general on Linux is atrocious.

VR is atrocious, everything else is amazing, though I think I’m having issues with something related to OBS screen capture causing hitching. Could be a number of things inside or outside of Mesa.

You need to enable it in Steam’s settings, under Steam Play

Honestly, this needs to go away, there is never a scenario where Linux gamers only want to play some of their games. There should be instead some pop up window for non proton verified games instead of an obtuse setting.

Is AMD really that much better?

As someone who swapped out their RTX 3060 for an RX 6900 XT, yes, yes it is. Everything. Just. Works. Display sync, high refresh rate, Wayland, Source games (yeah some native source games just won’t play nice on NVIDIA randomly, lmao), driver installation (or lack thereof). It’s just a WAY better experience, especially not having to track down and install NVIDIA’s drivers. Seriously, you don’t realize how much of a convoluted (and frustratingly distro-specific) process it is until you switch to AMD.

NVIDIA will play nice if you put in ALL the work it needs to behave, X11, proprietary drivers, etc. Don’t play by its rules? Then Jensen Huang himself put a pipe bomb under your pillow. If you don’t mind catering your setup to NVIDIA, then you won’t really notice a difference. I mean, in all fairness I now cater my hardware to Linux, buying only AMD/Intel GPUs, so I can’t judge.